Everyone meet eren

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Hey there my lovely ereri lovers so sorry I haven't updated. I'm sick and school is taking all of my time and mind to update. I get out at 1:40 but my teachers are so mean that they give us homework and a lot of sh*ts. Let's continue!
Eren pov~

I looked out the window of the car that was supposed to be driving me to this guy, who I know his name is Zeke, house.

"Tell me something eren"


"How long has all of this torture to you have been going on?"

"Mm.....when I was like 3 years old, I don't quite remember..."


"But after a few months of getting beaten up, I got used to it"

"Ok, but tell me why did they beat you up for?"

"It's ridiculous.....they beat me up because I was supposed to have a twin....a girl but something happened to her.....well more like something happen when she was developing.....so instead of us growing up separately she got inside of me when we were still in my mom's stomach.....so now I can get pregnant I am used to wearing girl clothes and I will have like a girly body....like having curves and big thighs and other stuff....and that is why my parents use to beat me up"

"What kind of parents will beat up their child just because of that!?"


"Ok that's enough of talking about this topic but we are almost to my place"

I nod and looked down. 

When we got there a mansion was in view.

"Is this actually where you live?"

"Yes, but I don't live by myself, there are a few people that live with me"

"What are their names"

"Annie Leonhardt, Reiner Braun, Berthold hoover, and Ymir fritz"

"Ok what is your gang's name"

"We are known as 'the shifters' its a catchy gang name, the people of this city called us that, the name we used to use was 'anonymous' since no one knows anything about us...we are people that disappeared from this earth"

I nodded getting out of the car, looking at the mansion that was in front of me.

"Come follow me eren"

I followed him inside the mansion and my eyes widened in amazement, it was large and beautiful. 

"Everyone gets down here I want you to meet someone!!" Zeke yelled and then footsteps were heard from the stairs, four persons came into view.

"Zeke why is there a little kid here?" a girl with freckles questioned

"This is eren he will be living with us from now on"

"But why?" a blond guy said

"Because he is now one of us" Zeke cross his arm

"And how did he become one of us?" a girl with blond hair crosses her arms as she looked at me

"Well he killed his parents who were also the people that I was supposed to kill"

"There is no way this little kid could've killed his parents?!?" the blond one said

"Well is true I watched the whole thing"

"He must be telling the truth I mean Zeke isn't the kind to make jokes or pranks," the tall one said, he looked kind

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