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Hey, there my lovely ereri lovers so the time you have been waiting for!! The time those bundles of joy come to the world!! Hope you enjoy it!!!💓
Levi pov~

Ok...Levi calm down....eren is just on his 9th month of pregnancy.....he's almost ready to deliver your daughter and son to this world.....there is nothing to be scared of....he'll be fine.
Oh, what am I thinking!?!? I'm FUCKING WORRIED!?!

"Levi hun don't worry too much"

"Easier said than done!? You're almost ready to explode!?"

"Don't worry....everything will be alright! Come and lay down for a bit"

I let out a sigh and crawl in bed with eren, bringing him closer to me, making eren giggle. I let out a small smile and kiss his cheek.

"I can't wait until they come to this world!"

I smiled at eren and nodded.

"Once they come to this world we will be so damn happy"



"Vocabulary! You need to learn not to curse in front of the babies!"

I let out a chuckle and lower myself self so Eren's baby bump was in front of me.

"You brats don't care if dad says bad words, do you? I know you don't care 'cause you'll lean them soon won't you"

Then they started kicking making eren whine in pain, I let out a chuckle and kiss all over erens baby bump earning kicks from them.

"Ah! Levi stop! You're making them kick and it hurts!"

"Ok my bratty lover"

"Don't call me that! And go bring me waffles with ice cream! I'm hungry~"

"Alright....wait here and don't do anything stupid"

I walked out of the room to go and make eren his waffles with ice cream but stopped when I heard a scream come from my room. I ran as fast as I can to my room and burst through the door, I saw eren holding his stomach and crying out loud because of the pain.

"Levi!! They're coming!! It's time!"

My eyes widened I turned around and started to scream.

"Hanji!!!! It's time!!!"

Then I heard a lot of footsteps approaching my room, that's when I saw hanji, Erwin, Zeke, Ymir, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt, Mikasa, and Armin.

Hanji pushed me aside as the girls plus alert went inside with all the stuff needed to bring my children to this world. They made me wait in the hall with the rest, I rubbed my face with my hands not believing that this is happening. I have waited for this moment but know that is happening I'm scared, I still remember that dream and the thought of eren leaving me scares me, even more, that he may die and so will my babies. I don't what that to happen, eren and I have suffered enough, sometimes I just what us to have a normal life were I had a job and eren woke at the house, no fights, no gunshots, no screams, no blood, just us with our little family, seeing my baby's growing up, from their first word, their first step, to their first day of school, until death do us apart, but to make sure death doesn't take us early.

"Hey, guys....did you heard that!"

Silence filled the room but then baby cries came from inside my room, I let out a sigh of relief, as the guys congratulated me.

Hanji opened the door and smiled at me, she let me in, I walked inside seeing eren holding two babies, he looked up and saw me, he smiled.

"Levi...come and meet your son and daughter"

I walked up to him and couldn't help hold the tears that build up in me, I kissed him on the lips. Then eren made me hold my little girl, I smiled as she opened her eyes, she had erens beautiful eyes, my pale skin, erens beautiful smile, erens button nose, my eye shape, and Eren's hair color. I looked at the boy seeing that he had my eye color, erens skin color, I can see he has my hair color but erens messiness, he has eren eye shape, but what caught my attention the most is that both of them had a birthmark that looked like a flower, a rose to be exact, they both had it on their chest were their heart is, so beautiful and unique.

I brought my daughter closer and kiss her forehead making her giggle.

"How should we name her?"

"I really like the name Isabel"

"Our little Isabel"

"What about the boy?"

"Riren a combination of our name"

"I like it"

I kissed eren passionately, because of him I now have the family I always wanted, and maybe we'll make our family bigger, that's all up to eren cause he is the one that has to suffer while I don't. He brought my two miracles to this world, Isabel and Riren, they will always be our miracles because they were the first bundle of joy we had.


We looked at the door seeing Zeke with the rest of the gang, I went up to him and carefully handed him Isabel, he smiled as Isabel grabbed his index finger with her tiny hand.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but... thank you Levi..... because of you I'm now an uncle, and the happiest person there is, thank you for loving my little brother.... even if you guys had your ups and downs, your fights and still manage to have a family with him, because of you I'm here holding my niece, healthy and happy"

"There is nothing to thank me for....i love eren more than you can think of...and having a daughter and a son with him was the only thing I never want to regret doing... I regret a lot of things...but...this isn't one of them... I love the little family I build with eren and maybe we may make it a little bigger....add a few more members in the family"

Zeke smiled and nodded, and for the rest of the day people came in to have a turn in holding riren or Isabel, my dream has finally come true, and I'm not asking for anything else, I love what I have and I will not change it for anything in the world, people should be happy that they have a kid cause some persons can't have kids, that's why I'm going to love my family with all my heart, and I promise to be the best father and husband a person can wish for.
What did you guys think!? Was it too cheesy? Should I end it here?
Hope you enjoyed it!
Word count:1131

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