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Hey, there my lovely ereri lovers I'm back and with another chapter!! Hope you enjoy.
Levi pov~

Two months... it's been two months since eren was kidnapped...AND IM losing MY FUCKING MIND!!
I haven't slept in weeks!! I barely eat because I'm going crazy to find my eren and my children!! Everyone is trying to find him even me....but were not having any luck... I'm worried...and scared....very scared.
Good who knows what that crazy woman would do to him..... I don't want to lose my love nor my miracles. Hanji has tried everything to make me rest and eat but nothing she has tried has worked...never have I feel this empty in my life. I want them back.....please return my smile.

"Levi?" hanji said with a worried voice as she entered my office with a plate full of food and a cup of tea.

I looked up at her and slam my head back on my desk, she let out a sigh and walked up to me, putting the food down and giving me the cup. I grab it and start drinking it, I looked at the food and pushed it away, but hanji moved it closer to me.

"Eat," she said as she grabbed a spoon full of food, I glared at her and slap her hand making the spoon drop with the food, I grabbed the plate and threw it at the wall. She let out another sigh, she went and start cleaning the mess.

I tried to get up but I let out a groan and collapsed to the ground. Hanji came to my side as she started screaming something that I couldn't hear right, my vision started getting blurry, more figures appear but couldn't make out who they were, I started hearing more voices start screaming but they stopped once my vision starts getting black.

"" was the last thing I said as my vision came completely black, and I couldn't see, hear, touch nor think.

Hanji pov~

My eyes widened of horror as Erwin carried Levi to the infirmary we have. I tried everything to wake him up when he collapses but nothing worked, I don't want to lose him, he's been one of my best friends since I was little. Not only that but what if we find eren and tell him his lover is dead, he'll be destroyed and I don't want that.

When we arrived Erwin put him on the bed, I started connecting wires and machines to keep him alive. When I put a heart monitor I let out a relieved sigh as it showed that he was still beating. I grabbed a tub and opened his mouth, I slip the tub down his throat, this will make sure he eats well he's unconscious.

"Anything new or the same?" I said not wanting to know, I have heard those words a lot of times, the words that tell me he's not founded. I miss him, I want him back.

"We found him" those words surprise me, I looked at Erwin and he had a smile on his face, I started to let out tears of happiness, I smiled.

"Zeke is on his way to rescue him," he said and I let a happy cheer and I got to my knees and start thanking whoever God is listening and is helping us.

Zeke pov~

I walked to the entrance of the house and kicked down the door, I pointed my gun at whoever is in. I started looking around with my group, then I heard crying coming from a door, I walked towards the door and opened it, stairs...many stairs lead to some sort of basement. As I walked the crying got louder as I reached the bottom my eyes widened in shock.

Right in front of me was eren on his need crying as two bloody bodies lay in front of him. Their blood was all over him. Then I recognize one of the bodies, it was Petra, her eyes were wide and I can see her throat was cut open, the other one I didn't know who it was but we'll find out soon.

I ran up to eren and hugged him, he hugged me back and cried on my shoulder. I rubbed his back to calm him down. I kiss his forehead and rock him back and forth.

"I..i k...k...killed th..them!" eren cried as I tried my best to calm him more. Then the others came and join me, they all hugged him and cried, happy to have their little brother back safe.

"You did good did good," I said as I picked him up and start walking to the car when we entered I sat on the back seat with eren on my lap.

"'s ok..please stop crying" I pray to him but he didn't stop, then I started to think of something, I got it.

"Do you think Levi will like seeing you cry?" I said as he shook his head and his cries change into hiccups. I wiped his tears away.

" is Levi?" eren said as he looked at him, I let out a sad sigh, I started rubbing his baby bump. I got the news when I almost arrived at the destination.

" sorry eren...but...levi..isisn't doing well.....he...umm....he collapsed a few minutes ago.....he's on a really bad condition.....he's hasn't eaten nor slept well since you disappeared. He's not waking up...but don't worry he's still alive....but god who knows how long he'll be in the infirmary" I said but then regret telling him, he started crying more as he screamed levis name in sadness.

When we arrived I knew eren want to see Levi so I took him to the infirmary, I knocked three times as the door opened, eren was tackled in a hug by hanji.

"OMG!! I MISSED YOU!!" hanji screamed eren hugged her tight. But then he asks about Levi, hanji gave him a sad look and let him inside.

Eren pov~

As I entered the infirmary I felt my heartbreak, there laying on the bed was Levi, a lot of wires were connected to him, and a tub in his mouth. I ran up to him and hugged him, crying my heart out. I didn't know he would do such a thing to himself. I want him to wake up, I want to see his eyes, I want to feel his kisses, I want to feel his touch.

Please wake up, I want you to feel our baby's, I want you to know I'm ok, and that I love you. Please god....bring me back my love.
Hey there hope you enjoy!!
And sorry for not updating!! I was sick but don't worry I'm fine now and went on a two-week vacation! There is no Wifi nor internet so I couldn't do a chapter! And happy late Easter!!
Word count:1183

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