the new eren

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Hey there my lovely ereri lover's new chapter. In my last real chapter, I did almost 2000 words so I'll make that as my goal. I'll probably make a 2000 word chapter for yall. Hope you enjoy.
Zeke pov~

What have they done! They changed my brother completely. Know he is dark, he wears dark colors and rarely smiles. They will pay, everyone is sad that our eren change. But he's better at his job, he covers his face so people won't recognize him. Like today he is wearing this long jacket that covers almost all of his face.

It's actually cool that he is more focus on his job than what is happening around him. He could give a single fuck about you. But we actually got used to our new eren. It's been 9 months since then, Erwin had actually been sending me messages and trying to call me. It's getting on my nerves, so I took it on my own hands and when I say that I mean I sent eren to kidnap a member of their team. If your thinking I'm evil, honey, I was born this way and grew up like this. This isn't evil, it's something I normally do.

Eren pov~

"So you're here to kidnap a member of our team?"

"Yes hangi, so I'll just take you so it will be easier"

What am I talking about? Well, my brother sends me to kidnap a member of erwins team, so I took the easiest person I know, hangi. She was excited when I show up but I wasn't, she noticed I changed a lot, but she didn't ask.

"Oh, ok, just take me away I won't mind!"


I grabbed her and made a run for it. Alarms started to sound alerting people. Members started to chase me.

"Everyone get him he has hangi!!"

I ran and looked that more people were coming from in front of me, so I turn the corner but there was nowhere to go. But the good thing that there was a window.

"It's our opportunity!! He has nowhere to go!!"

That is what you got wrong. I throw hangi out of the window.


But as she made contact with the window I jumped after her. Grabbing her as we were falling. Hangi actually screams in horror as she fell.

"You actually think I will let you die? Throwing you out the window?"


I just rolled my eyes and started running with her in my arms. I notice someone was chasing us. I turn around, they're chasing me was Levi. He was glaring at me but then stopped as he notices it was me. His eyes widened as he stopped chasing me and fell on his knees. I didn't stop running, I don't feel anything for him.


I kept on running, ignoring his screams. I won't be fueled again. I loved once, he broke my heart, it's not happening again. I jumped on the truck and started driving it to my brother's hideout.



"A-are you ok?"

"I'm fine...why?"

"Well, you saw...him..and I thought that yo.."

"I'm fine hangi...I don't have those feelings....if you haven't already noticed... I can give a single fuck about people's feelings"

"Yes... I have noticed that you...have changed"

"Good so don't worry about me!"


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