wake up

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Hey there my lovely ereri lovers! Sorry for not updating! I was really busy with school since we're going to summer break soon! So wish it comes soon cuz I'll be doing a lot of chapters and publishing new stories!!
Eren pov~

It's been two weeks and Levi hasn't woken up, I'm scared....really scared. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't wake up. I don't know my baby's gender cause I want for Levi and me to know them together.

I'm six months pregnant, three more months until I explode. I'm worried that something will go bad. But I have to be strong not for me but my babies and my lover.

Hanji said that Levi was making plans for our wedding, I'm happy that he really wants us to have the most beautiful and memorial wedding people can think of.

I'm also very angry, I still can't believe he would such a thing to himself.

I know you might want to know what happened when I was there, the story might be long and painful.....so prepared yourself.


I opened my eyes seeing the usual darkness that was in this room. I let out a tear, I miss them, I want Levi.

Then the door opened and petra came inside, she flickered on the lights, making the darkroom now bright.

I glared at her, she just laughs, knowing that I wouldn't or couldn't do anything while I'm chained up to the wall.

"Oh...poor little eren..he can't do anything...he's all chained up that he can barely move......pitiful!"

"I swear to god if I get out of these chains... I won't hesitate on killing you!!"

I glared at her making her angry, she grabbed a whip and started hitting me with it. I let out cries of pain as the wip came in contact with my skin, leaving red marks and scars.

"Don't. Talk. To. Me. Like. That!"

She screamed hitting me with the whip in every word she said.

"Remember I can kill that 'thing' that is growing inside of you!!"

"It's not a THING it's the results of mine and levis love!! He loves me so much that he wanted to have children with me!! And we're going to get married and you're not going!!"

"He loves me!!"

"No, he doesn't!! You think that knowing it's not true!! He never...loved you!! Get it through your thick, useless brain!!"

"He did!! But YOU took him away from me!! You and your....nice body!!"

My eyes widened as she started to hit me, I covered my baby bump and cried.

___2 months___

I can't take this!! I want to be free!! I want a Levi!!

"Wakey wakey!! Time to die!!"

My eyes widened but everything went black, I heard screams, gangs, ripping flesh, and metal hitting metal.

When my vision came more clear my eyes widened in horror, on the floor was Petra's and the guy she was with, bloody and lifeless, I collapsed to my knees and cried.

Then the door burst open revealing my brother, he came to me and hugged me like the rest of my family.

I'm safe, they found me, I'm still alive, THANK GOD!!

OoOoOoO end of Flashback OoOoOoO

That was how I lived with petra for the two months I was locked up in there. She barely gave me enough food, I will get kicks from my babies, cramps, shock pains, dizziness, and sometimes I pass out.

Know that I'm here everything came back like it was before. Well not everything, I want Levi to wake up.

I looked at him and started to sing a part of a song I liked.

Tell me
With your sweet smile
Tell me
Like a whisper, say it in my ear
Don't be like a prey
Be smooth like a, like a snake
Although I want to stray
Ah woo woo
Go away from me, go away, away, please
Go away from me, go away, go away
Ah woo woo
Someone please save me, me
Please save me
It's endless, even if I try to run
I've fallen into a lie
Caught in a lie!
Please find me who was innocent
I can't escape from inside this lie
Please return my smile
Caught in a lie!
Free me from this hell
I can't escape from this suffering
Please find me who is being punished
Want me
The me who is lost and astray
Want me
It was like that everyday, i
I feel so far away
You always come my way
It repeats again, i
Ah woo woo

I love that song, I don't know why but it makes me feel and think this song was made for me, the lyrics are describing my life.

My sweet smile is Levi, he's the reason why I smile every day. I want someone to save me from all of this that is happening to me. My whole life was like a lie, once you say it, there is no correcting your mistake. I lived my life like this, there is no going back.

Even if my life is a living hell, I, cannot escape from this suffering.

Same with Levi, that is why I love him so much. We have so many things like, he knows what I have suffered, his thoughts are like mine, we both suffered a lot, now its time for some love inside of us.

Neither Levi nor I can leave without each other. I'm his smile, and he's mine, how can someone live without their reason to smile.

I looked at Levi, his eyes closed, a mask that covered his mouth and nose, wires attached to him, a heart monitor telling me he's still alive. I went and bend over and kisses his cheek, I closed my eyes.

"You're the one and only person that will be in my heart, no matter what happens I will always love you, even if I say I don't, don't believe it. Please wake up"

As I got up my eyes widened as my vision got blurry, I covered my mouth and latched to Levi.

"I...love..you..to.. eren"
Hope you enjoyed it!! 😄
And sorry for not updating!😰
And also thank you for the 3.48k!!!!😲😲💓💞💖💖😄😙
Please tell me if you want me to publish my other books👍

Word count: 1078

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