they found me

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Hey there my lovely ereri lover's new chapter!! Just to clear things out I don't know how long I'm making this. But enjoy it!!
Levi pov~

How long has it been since the person who I loved died, two years, it feels like just yesterday he ran out of my office crying. I miss him so does hangi. His brother misses him the most, he could stop crying for months, I only lasted a few weeks so did hangi. I want him back but...... I'm no god or angel to bring him back to us. At least he's not suffering from the things I said.

Since he died, no one is normal. I lock myself in my office, I go without eating or sleeping for days. I still go on missions, but it's not the same. Hangi barley smiles like she used to do, she also locks herself in her office, but she does eats and sleeps like she normally does.

Erwins gang and Zeke's came back together after a few days of Eren's death. Everyone let out their tears, people hugging each other as they cry. I cried a lot, letting all my sadness, my anger and all the things I regret saying to him.

W-why couldn't I just say how I felt for him?!?! I'm a weakling for not saying how I felt about him in the first place!!

I was in my office, changing the channels to find something good. I stopped it at the news, maybe there is something good.

"Breaking news, one of the richest man was killed. Police officers haven't found anything that will help them find the person who killed him!"

"Tch, they suck at their job"

"Good thing the house had security cameras, they looked at them showing a black figure entering the house!"

It showed a video about a black figure climbing the walls and entering by a window.

"Police officers were shocked, how can someone climb walls that easy. The person was also wearing a suit that covered his face, the suit that he was wearing was the same one that was stolen from a store two years ago! The price from that was $500,000,000 dollars! The fabric that was used to make that suit is very expensive, and is very hard to find it"

I saw the video as the person got closer, when the black figure looked at the camera I paused it and look carefully. My eyes widened at the figure's eyes. The same color eyes that eren had, you can see some brown color hair sticking out of his hoodie that covered his head and a little his eyes.

I ran out of my office to hangis. I knocked three times getting a response from hanji.

"Who is it!"

"Its Levi!"

"Come in"

I went inside seeing hanji on her desk, her head resting on the desk.

"Shitty glasses come with me I need to show you something!!"

"What is it?"

I grabbed her and run to my office, stepping inside I locked my door and walked to my desk.

"Look at this......what do you see?"

"A pair of eyes?"

"Look closely"

"W-wait that color of eyes..... I have seen them before?!"

"Of who does it remind you of"

"Of....of eren!!"

"Exactly!! And if you see closely you can see some brown hair! Eren has brown hair!"

"W-what are you trying to say, Levi?"

"Hanji....i...i don't think eren is dead"

"B-but..the accident!! No one can survive that!?!"

"Then something must of happens for him to survive the accident!?!"

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