living alone

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New chapter!! Remember my goal is to make a 2000 word chapter. On my last one, I did 1539 words. I'll try to get to 2000, and I'll try to put more detail in the story.
Eren pov~

I ran and ran inside the forest that surrounded the city. No one dared to go inside the forest because of the people that said that is hunted and that there is a strange creature living inside. I never believed in those gossips. I always was curious about the forest.

(you idiot!! You can't survive without me!)

I told you to leave me alone!! I can take care of myself!

(sure whatever you say... Hiding from your family and friends won't change anything!!)

I stopped, I was inside the forest and I didn't know where to go.

The voice was right! Running away won't change will only make things worse!! But I can't go back not after what I did! They will start to ask me why I did it or why did I run away! I'm a monster, I kill people for money, I killed my own parents!! And I was proud! I was born a monster.....and it always will be.
No one will change that.....not even me. I must admit...that I do need my voice. He'll make sure I don't feel any emotions as I kill and rob to survive.

(i always knew you can't do anything without me)

Shut up!! I..i need to get something to cover my body and face so no one will recognize me.

Then I remember a store that sells that kind of clothes, it isn't that far from the forest but I need to be silent and quick.

Once I got there I just broke the window. Entering and looking around was the first thing I did. I found the perfect one that was is a long glass container. I punched the glass and took the clothing.

It looks as if they took a long time doing it

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It looks as if they took a long time doing it. And it very valuable, the price is $500,000,000. I can't believe people will spend so much money on this. Oh well, I went and grabbed the money from the cash register (sorry I don't know how to write its name right) running as fast as I can when I heard police sirens. I think they saw me because they started to chase me. I went into an ally and changed into the clothing as fast as I can. When they stopped in front of me I already have it on. I jumped from wall to wall with my feet, getting on a rooftop I started to run again, jumping from building to building until the forest was in front of me. I looked back seeing the police stop and got out of their car.

"You there!! Stop where you are and don't go in that forest!?!"

I didn't listen, I started to walk inside, the police screaming at me not to, some said 'he has a death wish or something' 'he's crazy' and 'he's a monster if he goes there' the monster part was already true.

"You are wrong"

I said as I turn around making sure my face was covered so they don't recognize me.

My monster~((ereri))~||completed||Where stories live. Discover now