the rejection and the split

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Another chapter for yall. I don't know if I'll finish it today or tomorrow......nah I'm kidding I'll finish it today for you guys, so this will be sad I am not responsible for any tears ¬_¬
Eren pov~

Ok calm down eren you can do this, just tell Levi your feelings. But what if he doesn't like me, I'll just have to figure it out the hard way.

"Oi eren I'm going to distract petra go to Levi and tell him your feelings"

"Ok thanks hangi"

I walked up to Levi's office, I knocked on his door as a quiet 'come in' came from inside. Opening the door I saw Levi, who was doing paperwork.

"Yes eren, may I help you?"

I look at him getting nervous, come on eren you can do this.

"Y-yes..... Well, i-i just-"

"Come on eren I don't have all day"

"L-Levi i-i......liked you for a while know an-"

"I'm sorry eren.....i don't feel the same way. I love petra not you, and I don't know why you would think I would love you back"

When he said that I felt my heart shattered into a million pieces. How can he say that with no emotions? Tears started to form in my eyes blurring my view.

"Oh great, now I have to deal with you crying"

I should have known he didn't feel like I do. But his words hurt me. I would never love again, if it means that I will feel like this every time I fall in love, I rather die.


I ran out of the door, tears purring from my eyes. I pass through hangi who was distracting petra, I heard her yell something but I didn't stop running until I ran into someone.



I recognize that voice, I looked up seeing my big brother Zeke with wide eye. I just hugged him and cried more, my brother hugged me tight, rubbing my back and trying to calm me down.

"Eren why are you crying, better question, who made you cry"

"Its ok im f-fine"

"No, you are not...please tell me what happens"

"I'll never love again"

"I see then. Let's go tell the rest"


"We are leaving, someone from here made you cry and made you stop loving, that is something I would never forgive"

We actually told my sisters and brothers about what happen and let me tell you they were not happy. They started to pack everything and my brother went to talk to Erwin.

We started to walk to our truck, my brothers put our bags in the trunk.

"Please don't leave we can fix this!!"

I looked to see Erwin trying to convince my brother to stay.

"No!! Someone did something to my little brother and that I will never forgive!!"

My brother got inside the truck, starting it. I looked at the window but then I regret it, the face of hangi screaming and crying to me to come back and to not leave, she was being pulled back by some of her gang members but her battle never died she struggled to become free. She reached a hand for me, eyes still watery and a sad face.


I closed my eyes as tears fell from them.

"Goodbye hangi.....but I can't get those words that the person who I love said to me"

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