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Hey, there my lovely ereri lovers today I'm going to do a chapter to reveal their gender, not their names! That's a surprise!!
Eren pov~

Since Levi woke up I haven't let go of him, you can see me with him at all times, he stopped training so he can be with me. The best day of my life was when we were in bed all day and hanji had to bring us our food to levis' bedroom. I'm still on my 6th month of pregnancy, we haven't discussed revealing to people the genders of my baby's, and I'm not going to remember them.


Hanji screamed as she burst through the door, I was cuddling in bed with Levi since we were too lazy to get up, I looked at hanji to see what she wanted.

"Yes hanji?"

"Are you still up to gender surprise or not!?"

"Umm...well yes!"

"Yay!! I got everything planned out!!"

"Thank you hanji"

"You're welcome!"

She closed the door as I went and cuddle more with Levi, he pulled me closer and kisses my lips.

"I can't wait to see what we're having"

"Me either"

I smiled and kissed Levi, then I remember something.

"We need to come up with names!"

"Ok love, names for a boy?"

" about riren, ereri, Ciel, nova, Luka!"

"They are fantastic names love!"

"How about you?"

"Well... I would call one Farlan"

"Aww Levi"

"Let's pick girl names"

"Ok, I was thinking of sakura, Yuuki, Phoenix, Melanie, Eve, luna and Star!"

"I would pick Isabel"

I smile and kiss him.

"What do you want Levi? A girl or a boy?"

"Well if I had a boy I will make sure he grows up strong, I will make sure he can protect the people he loves and cares, and make sure he is as sexy as his father cuz who doesn't want to be"

"Aww levi~!"

"And if I had a girl, she'll be my baby girl, I'll make sure she is spoiled but very beautiful, like her mother, and if someone tries anything with her I'll make sure they see satan himself, I'll kill anyone that tries to flirt with her, I don't care who they are, I will not hesitate!"

"You're so overprotective!"

Levi just shrugged, I let out a giggle and kiss him.

"They'll have the best father they could ask for"

"And they'll have the best mother they could ask for"

"Why am I the mother?"

"Cause you're the one that's carrying the babies, you're the one that will bring them to this world and you're the one that receives the dick up that sweet, plump and round ass of yours"

"Wow..put more details"


I glared at him making him laugh, I let out a smile and kiss all over his face, he just stood like that enjoying my kisses.

Our happy moment was interrupted by a knock, the door opened revealing my brother.

"Hey, there big bro! What's up?"

"Hey there eren, nothing much, are you ready to find out the genders?"

"Yes! Come, Levi!"

"I'm coming"

We followed my brother to the back of the building revealing a party with the colors of pink and blue, everybody cheered as we were seen.

"Is everyone ready!!!"


Then we looked at two persons that were each on a motorcycle, they give us a thumbs up.

This is it! The day we will know what we're having! If its a boy or a girl! I'm so excited! They don't know how much I been waiting for this moment! Well, figure out what we will need to buy for my baby's! I want to buy all the most beautiful dresses if I have a girl! And the most cutest motorcycle clothes for my baby boy! We'll be able to paint the wall!

"Are you ready baby"


Then the motorcycles started to do donuts, people started to cheer as the color blue and pink showed up. I let out a scream and so did Levi, he picked me up and spin me around, we shared a passionate kiss. I hugged Levi tight as tears of joy build up in my eyes.

"Its a girl and a boy!!!"

Then everybody came to hugged and congratulated us.

"Well, Zeke you're having a niece and a nephew!"


Then I heard someone's scream

"I'm going to have a daughter and a son!!!"

Yep, Levi can be really happy sometimes, that he can act out of character, but I still love him.

"Cheers to the new parents!!"

Everybody put their drinks in the air and cheered, but since I can't drink alcohol, I grabbed my juice, we started the party. People dancing and having fun, Levi just had me in a back-hug and kissing me once in a while, and when I say 'once in a while' i mean each second.

"Hey eren can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure Jean!"

We walked a little far from the party, to make sure no one heard us.

"What's up?"

"Amm...what did you do to make Levi fall in love with you?"

"Wait....are you asking me dating advice!?"


"Ja! Who's the lucky guy~!"

"His name is Marco, and i...need you to help me!"

"Oh, jean~ just say it! You don't have to be so scared! And if he rejects you don't cry, after all 'there are plenty of fish in the sea'!"

"You're right! Thanks, Jaeger! And congratulations!"

"Thanks! And your welcome!"

Then I headed back to Levi, who was glaring at jean all the time we were talking.

"What were you guys talking about?"

"Horses need love too you know"

Levi just chuckle and we started kissing, a few awed at us making Levi flick them off.

This will be the beginning of our own family, a baby girl and a boy that will be with us until we die. They will fill our hearts with love, joy, happiness and much more. I will always love what I have and have, created and made.
Hoped you enjoy it, sorry for not updating!!
Word count:1029

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