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Hey there my lovely new chapter! Hope you like it!!
Eren pov~

I was walking down the hallways, a hand on my baby bump and a smile on my face. Why? Well, I'm excited to find out what gender are our babies. And to choose a name! I need a girl and a boy name!

As I walked I felt like someone is watching me, so I speed up my walk. But then I saw petra in my path. I stopped because she was just standing there with her head down.

"Hey, Petra! Is everything ok?"

I questioned her as I reached to take a few hairs that were covering her face. But she grabbed tightly my wrist, my eyes widened in shock.

She looked up and she put an evil smile, her eyes were filled with anger and craziness.

"No! Everything is not ok! You took the person I love!"

She screamed at me, I tried to take my wrist away from her but she just tightens more her grip.

"I am sorry!"

I said frighten at what she can do to me, even worst, what she can do to my baby's.

"No your not! You're so happy that you got him! So now let's see... how... good.. of!"

She said as my eyes widened, then I felt strong hands grab me from behind. Tears build up in my eyes as a cloth was put on my nose, my vision started to get blurry as I smelled the alcohol, as I fainted the only thing that was on my mind was..............' my babies'.

Levi pov~

It's been 3 minutes since I last saw eren, and I'm getting fucking worried. I felt a strange filing on my stomach, I got up and start looking for him.

I looked for minutes, I started running and screaming his name. I stopped when I saw hanji, Erwin, and Zeke also with a worried look.

"Levi! Do you know where eren is!?"

Hanji yelled as I looked at her terrified. Fear started to build up in me, I looked everywhere and nether hanji, Erwin nor Zeke knows where he is.

"No, i have been looking for him for what looks like hours!?"

I said, my hands start to shake, I can tell something bad has happened to him. I don't want to believe it but I don't want to say it's not true.

"We have been looking for him! And there's no sign of him!"

Erwin said I started to get angry yet I felt like something bad is going to happen.

We started looking for eren, we looked for hours, but there was no sign of him.

"I'm starting to freak out! What happened to him!? Is he all right!? Are the babies ok!? Is he hurt!?"

I screamed out, as I started to shake. Hanji came and tried to calm me down.

"Levi it's going to be ok!"

" is it going to be ok when my lover, the one carrying our babies is missing!?!? What if he was kidnapped!? Just imagine what the people can do to him!?"

I screamed at hanji, she knew I was right, but she just doesn't want to believe it.

"Well sent people to look around! I don't care if they don't sleep!! I want my eren back safe and sound!! I want them to look for him everywhere, not a single place unwanted!!"

I said as Zeke and Erwin nodded, they went to tell the other members, I was going to go but was stopped by hanji.

"It's better if you don't go Levi"

"What!? Are you crazy!? I need to go! I need to find my lover!!"

"No!! You are really stressed out, and you can barely keep your mind straight!!"

"I was never straight!!"

"You know what I mean!! So go to your office and let us find eren!!"

"No!! I want to find the person who took him and make him/ her suffer!"

"You will! Just not when we find him/her"

I let out a sigh but nodded, I really want to go but I know I'll be stressed out.

Eren...wherever you are...I'll let you know that we will find you......and we will make that person pay for what she/he did to you.

Eren pov~

I woke up, my vision kind of blurry. When I finally got my vision back to normal, I looked around.

I was in a dark room, I can tell, my hands are chained up. It's really cold, and scary. I wrapped my arms protecting my baby bump, I felt my baby's kick.

Oh, Levi please save me, I'm scared and cold, please I need you right now.

Then a door opened and in came petra and a guy with his face covered with a mask. Petra came closer and then she turns on the lights.

I try to adjust my eyes with the brightness, when my eyes adjusted I looked at petra. She put an evil grin and walked to me.

"Don't worry eren....I'll make sure we have a good time!"

She said as she laughs.
Hey, there I'm sorry if it's short! It's that I'm sad right now!

My uncles' dog was killed yesterday and seeing my uncle cry makes me sad. We had so many memories with him, so I need some time. I will not be able to write for about 2 weeks. I hope you don't get mad.
Word count:922

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