being pregnant

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Hey, there my lovely ereri lovers' new chapter hope you enjoy!!
Levi pov~

A pregnant eren isn't someone you should mess with nor the father of the kid that he's carrying, aka me.
It's freaking hard to deal with him, he's always so emotional, but I can't be mad at him, after all, he is carrying my child.
He's on his 3 months, and his belly is big, I like rubbing it because I know that sooner or later I will be holding the little person inside of him.
Hanji and eren are going crazy on choosing the name of the baby, they even make me decide what are the best names, like hell I'm supposed to know what name fits the baby if I don't know what's their gender!?
But I'm thinking some names that I like, I want eren to tell me if he likes them, I don't want him to get sad nor angry at me for choosing that name.
But really! he gets mad really fast! Like this one time he didn't talk to me for a day, I would say week because eren said that he won't talk to me for a week, but he couldn't stay away from me that long.

Hangi makes me pose for a picture with eren while holding a fruit every week. She says that she's making a video about how our baby started growing in Eren's stomach, in the end, I let her. She even takes pictures of eren each month to see how his baby bump is growing. Eren was crying seeing the difference between the first and last picture hangi took of him.

"Levi~!" I heard my angel say from the bed.

"Yes? Do you need anything?"

"Can you pick me up... I can't do it on my own"

I let a chuckle as I went and picked eren up, I made sure I was careful with him. I gave him a peck on the cheek making him giggle.

" will you feel if we had more than one baby?"

I looked at eren when he said 'more than one' and let a smile appear on my face. I went and sat down beside him, I wrap my arms on his waist and kiss him.

"I would be the happiest man in the world"

With that eren let a big smile and hugged me tight, I hugged him back but made sure I'm careful with his bump.

"Know would you like some ice cream with pickles?"

I raised an eyebrow as I said that to eren, he nodded. I got up and walked to get him what he likes.
What can I say, his carvings aren't gross, that just means he's doing that for the baby.

As I walked to the kitchen I heard voices coming from hangis office, so being me I got a little curious, I put my ear on the door to listen.

"Isn't this exciting Erwin!!"

"Yes it is"

"Just imagine Levi holding not just one baby but two!!"

"Yeah it's going to surprise him"

"But tell me again how do you know eren is having more than one?"

"Ugg, his belly is growing bigger than a woman with one baby, so I thought that something was wrong, so I did some research and found out that woman's with a bigger belly found out that they are having more than one!?!"

"Ok I got it this time, it's better to let you calm down so you don't say everything in one go"

"Oh sorry-"

I stopped to listen to them, my eyes widened, I'm going to have more than one baby!? This is the best day ever!?!

I quickly ran to get what eren wanted and ran back were eren was waiting, I went and hugged him tightly. I kissed all over his face, he let out giggles, I know how much he loves when I kiss him.

"What's up with you?"

"Sorry... I'm just really happy," I said as I kiss him passionately.

"Me too.. but let me eat, ok!"

I nodded, he sat down on the bed and started eating, I did my work. When I finished it I turned around just to find eren sleeping, I went and tug him in. I kissed his forehead and went to shower. When I finished I went and tug myself in bed, I think eren felt my body heat, because he instantly starts cuddle with me, and that is the position we had for the rest of the night, just me and him cuddling.


The next morning I was already up and ready when eren woke up.
He tried to get up while I did some work, in the end, he gave up and just laid there.

I let out a chuckle, I ask him if he needed help to get up from bed which he refused my help saying he can do it he just needs a little push

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I let out a chuckle, I ask him if he needed help to get up from bed which he refused my help saying he can do it he just needs a little push.

I love him so much, I don't know what I would do without him. I'm happy that I could make a family with the person I love and cherish. I love the brat and sooner I will love a-some little brats that came from the love eren and I have.

I would love to have more children in the future, I can imagine some little versions of me and eren, even better when it looks like a combination of both.

I would love every single one of them, if I had a daughter I will make sure every guy that tries to hit on her know who her dad is.
And if I had sons I will make them strong like me so they can protect the persons they love, care and cherish in the world.

Damn....I'm so damn cheesy thinking about this! My first child isn't even born yet.....but here I am....thinking of how many ass poundings eren will have just to have the family we ever wanted.

Like my mother used to say to me:

The only thing was allowed to do is to believe that we won't regret the choice we made.

And I don't regret anything in my time with eren.
Hey, there I'm back with a chapter hope you enjoyed it!!❤

Sorry, I didn't publish it!😰😥😢😭

Word count:1060

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