smut or nah

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Hey, there my lovely ereri lovers a new chapter warning🚫 I may put some smut in this story. if you don't like to skip to were it says end of smut. No under 10!.
Oh, who am I kidding you're going to read it anyways!. So hope you enjoy it!!
Eren pov~

It's been 2 months since the whole accident. Levi's arm its healed and everything is back to normal. Well, I still have an evil side. (omg when I wrote 'side' it was 69 words😂).

I don't like to have two sides, I don't want to kill my loved ones. The only reason I'm sometimes ok with it is when Levi says I look sexy when I get angry and kill.

"Eren, are you still thinking about your new personality?"


"Baby I told you, you are never going to harm us"

"But what if I do!! I will never forgive myself for doing such a thing!?"

"Listen here and listen good, if you ever lose control I'll be there to stop you!"

"T-thank you!!"

I hugged Levi(i wrote livi😂) and didn't let go, not until I know he will always be by my side. He then kisses me and started telling me sweet words, that relaxed me enough to stop crying.

"You know I'll always love you even if you do something like that"

"Thank you, Levi, for being with me in this hell"

"I'll do whatever if it means I'll see that smile and those gorgeous eyes"

"Will you wear a maid outfit in front of everyone!"

"If it means I'll see that smile then yes"

"Do it!!"

"No, besides I like you better in that maid outfit!"

I may look like a tomato right now, how come he says things like that without hesitating.

Levi kissed my lips and chuckled. I smile and we started kissing.

Warning smut~(first smut ever written don't judge)

We keep on kissing, the kiss started slow, passionate but then Levi's lips started to go faster. Our lips moving with each other enjoying everything.
His lips tasted like tea, I couldn't get enough of them.

Levi got on top of me, our kiss never stopped. I felt levis hands go under my shirt. His finger brushed against one of my nipples, making me moan in the kiss.

"Eren are you sure you want to do this?"


With that Levi started to kiss me down my jawline to my neck. He gave me butterfly kisses, I lean my head to the side to give him more access. He bites and nibbles on my neck, living a hickey.

I then lifted up levis shirt revealing his well-formed body.

"Eager aren't we?"

"S-shut up!"

He chuckled as he took off my shirt and pants. He then started to kiss down my body.

"Mnn~ levi~"

Levi put three fingers in my mouth.


I started to suck on his fingers making sure I wet them enough. He took them out, I felt one of his wet fingers on my entrance. Then he put one inside of my entrance making me hiss in pain.

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