Meet levi ackerman

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Hey, there my lovely ereri lovers so here it is the chapter I promise you. So to let you know I don't own anything, just the story. By the way, this picture of Levi is nice made I wish I could draw like that.
Levi pov~

Just what the hell does eyebrows need, I have more important things to do than to waste it on his shitty speeches.

"Ok eyebrows, what do you need, I'm kinda busy right now"

"Doing what exactly?"

"Screaming at the people that aren't cleaning up well"

"A yes that is important"

"Yes, yes it is. Don't worry I notice the sarcasm"

"Anyway the reason why I called you here is to discuss something"

I leaned on the wall and looked at Erwin.

"And this something is?"

"Well I removed Mikasa Ackerman from your group"

"Finally I couldn't stand that bitch"

"Can you at least talk nice about your sister"

"Hell no, she gets on my nerves"

"Well then, if you change your mind, come to me and I'll put her back in your group"

"I don't think I will change my mind about her leaving my group"

"I'm pretty sure you will, she is one of the best thief and killers we have here"

"And so am I, I don't need to have another, especially my sister, with me is enough"

"Oi shit head you do know that I'm better than you" I heard a voice said behind me

"Speaking of the devil, here she is, telling us a lie" I turned around and glare at the girl that was there.

"Speaking of the devil, here she is, telling us a lie" I turned around and glare at the girl that was there

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((this is mikasa^^))

"You and I know that I'm better than you, so you're the one that is lying"

"Go fuck yourself"

"Guys please stop fighting"

I just walked out of Erwin's office, on my way there I bumped into Petra.

"A Levi!!"

"Yes, Petra what do you want?"

"W-well I was wondering i-if y-you-"

"Just say what you want to say, I'm kind of busy"

"W-will y-you gooutwithme!!"

Shit....what do I say to her....I'm not interested in girls.....but if I say no she will be sad and heart broken......then if I say yes I will have to deal with her hugs and kisses.....fuck!!.

My monster~((ereri))~||completed||Where stories live. Discover now