the beach

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Hey there so I made this chapter so you guys will enjoy it.
Levi pov~

It's been 5 months since we join gangs with Zeke's ((sorry I'm lazy)) and I became close to eren, we get along well but we don't talk so much, why well im with Petra almost all of my free time and when I try to talk to eren he is always busy or I can't find him. They actually change eren with Petra, know I share a bed with Petra and eren sleep with Ymir. I'm was so fucking angry that I don't spend so much time with eren like I use to do so because of this I'm almost all of my time in my room or office.

"Shorty!!! I have something to tell you!!"

"Jesus fucking Christ shitty glasses!"

"Sorry I just have to tell you something!!"

"Just what do you want to tell me?"

"Well listen, I was thinking that we haven't enjoyed much our life so I was thinking that we should go somewhere fun!"

"And just where do you want to go?"

"The beach of course!!"

The beach wouldn't be so bad but thinking about all of the germs that could be on that water.


"Eh!?! Why not"

"Well first, where is there a beach close to this place? and two don't you think of how many germs can be in that water"

"First, I actually don't care about germs and two there is actually a beach not so far from here, but no one in this place knows it's there because no one is actually interested in going so they closed it"

"Either way my answer is no"

"Well then I don't think you want to see eren in his swimsuit and to think he was happy to go to the beach"

eren in a swimsuit

"Wait shitty glasses"


".......I changed my mind, I'll tell Erwin if he wants to go"

"Oh don't worry I already told him and he actually agreed and so did Zeke so get your stuff together and make sure you grab a swimsuit because we are living to the beach!!!"

I'm just doing this so I can see eren in a swimsuit.

"Levi did hangi told you"

I heard a familiar voice said

"Yes Petra she actually came and told me we are going to the beach"

"Are you going?"

"Yes I'm going.....why?"

"Oh nothing important"

She thinks I'm going just to see her in a swimsuit bitch got something else coming if she thinks I'm doing that.

"Well we better get ready and leave early if we want to enjoy the beach"

"Yes yes we should"

I got up making everything I will need for the beach.
((time skip to the beach because I'm lazy))

"Yay, we are here, good thing this beach is closed because we have it all to ourselves!!!"

"Yeah is nice to be out sometimes"

"Well then everyone gets on your swimsuits!!"

And everyone did what hangi said even me I was shirtless with some white swim shorts.

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