baby kicks and a surprise

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Hey there my lovely ereri lovers' new chapter and also thanks for 2.1k!!💖
I hope you enjoy it!!
Levi pov~

Today is Eren's 4th month, hanji said when a person is in their 4th month the baby starts to kick.

Eren is excited to feel the baby's kicks, I would lie if I said I wasn't excited. I'm so fucking excited!!

That is another thing I need to get used bad words.

Eren and hanji are showing me how to not curse, especially when my child is here.

Not only that but hanji said that she can now know how many were having and their gender.

Hanji then got the 'amazing' idea to make a gender surprise. If you know what it is I'm happy for you, if not it's when you find the gender of your baby or babies in a surprising way, for example popping a balloon or opening a box and the color of the balloon comes up reveling what gender it is.

For now I'm trying not to show how happy and excited I am, eren is not so good at that, he gave it away too easy.

Zeke and Erwin are also to easy to read, the hard one is Annie, she is one hard to read bitch, and I'm not even overreacting. Even eren says so!? Well without the 'bitch'.

I thought I saw going to relax a day... I was wrong the instant I laid down on my bed hanji burst open the door and throw magazines and books about parenting, telling me I need to learn how to take care of a baby.

Bitch! I know how to take care of a baby, for god sakes! I have a little sister!? And I know for sure that I know how to raise one! I'm not going to be that kind of dad, the one that sits around and makes the woman do all of the work by herself!! Hell, I would probably spoil my eren and my kids!

No....wait....i already spoiled eren, then I would spoil my kids more! Maybe not the boy's because I want them or him to be strong so they can protect their loved ones, aka us.

I would probably murder anyone that tries to flirt with me or if I have a daughter. I'll be an overprotective father huh? Well, whoever wants to date her they have to make sure they have everything I want them to have.
Well if they have the balls to do that.

"Levi Levi!!" eren screamed

I got off my seat and ran up to eren with a worried expression.

"What is it!? Are you hurt!? Did something happen!?" I said in a worried tone.

Eren looked at me with a confused face.

"No...nothing happened and I'm not hurt," eren said

I let out a sigh of relief since I had that nightmare I been going crazy and overprotective. I'm still scared that it will happen and that I'm going to lose everything that matters to me the family. The one I'm making with eren.

"Oh thank god! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said as I putting my hand where my heart is.

"Sorry,"eren said

I went up to him and sit next to him, I started filling his face with kisses, making him giggle.

"It's ok, now tell me what is that you wanted to tell me?"

When I said that eren grabbed my hand and put it on his baby bump, I rubbed it and let out a smile when I felt a little kick.

"His kicking"

"Are you sure it's not their?"


I handed a note to eren, a note that hanji gave to me this morning. In the note, hanji said that eren is not only having one child but two, she didn't mention their gender. She said it's really noticeable since his baby bump is growing more than it usually does when someone is carrying one child, I already knew, but I pretended to be surprised.

When eren finished he started to cry, not of sadness but of joy, I went and hugged him, we shared a passionate kiss.

"I-i can't believe it! We're having twins!" eren said as he hugged me tight

Then I let go when I felt another kick, I looked down seeing how bumps showed on Eren's belly. I let out a chuckle, I got off the couch and kneel down so I had Eren's baby bump right in front of me.

"Hey there brats, it me, your dad, I can't wait to have you guys in my arms, I can't wait to be able to see your faces and to hear your voice. Now I'm not so cheesy like I'm right now, I'm just doing this because I'm so happy, I haven't smiled and felt so much joy in so long" I started talking

I lean my face so my forehead was touching Eren's baby bump. I kissed it.

"I will be the best father you could ask for and be thankful because you will be having the best mother ever" I finished saying

When I finished I looked up seeing eren crying. I whipped his tears away and kiss his lips.

"Y-you make me s-so *hic* happy!"

Eren said I hugged him. We were hugging a lot but I don't care.

"I love you," I said

Eren smiled and kiss me.

"I love you more!" he said

"I love you more"

"No! I said I love you more and that is it!" eren said as he glares at me.

I let out a chuckle and sat down on the couch. Eren got up just to sit back on my lap. I wrap my arms around his waist, he leans his head to my shoulder and fell asleep.

I kiss his cheek, I know were being the cheesy couple but I can't get enough of him. I love him so much, I can't even imagine my life without him. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be able to express this new feeling, I couldn't be able to smile again. And especially I couldn't have a family, a family of my own, but thanks to eren I know that I need to live not for the sake of myself but for me to experience the true feeling of happiness, excitement, and love. The feeling of how it feels to have a real family and the feeling of how it feels to be a father. That is why I would forever.... love him.

I'm thinking of proposing to him, I want to seal our love buy just wearing those rings. Just by those rings, everybody would know that he's mine and that our love is endless. All of this is 'in the name of love'
Hope you liked it!!!💓💓

And again THANK YOU FOR 2.1K!!!😄💓💖

Word count:1169😂

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