hate or forgiveness

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Hey there my lovely ereri lovers a chapter!! I'm not going to talk so much so let's get in with this chapter!!

Levi pov~

I got out of the hospital 3 days after I almost died. I'm in the car with hangi, we haven't spoken a word since we got out.


Oh god, I was fine with the silence we had.


"Do you still love eren?"

I looked down deep down I know I did but the anger and sadness that was in me, hate him.



"Just.....Just shut up and drive!"

With that all the way home was silent.
I don't want to believe that the person that I loved and still did after he hated me, almost killed me. I know that he was responsible for those plants to grab me.

As we park the car in front of our hideout I got out. The door opened revealing everyone.

"Welcome back Levi!!"

I just nodded, walking by past them, from the corner of my eye I could see eren looking at me. I ignore him.


I stopped by his voice, i....can't hate him...... I love him so much. No I don't, he almost killed me, he just wants to play with my feelings.


I said as I glared at him, you can clearly see I'm angry, I was not in the mood for this.


I just walked away, not looking back. I wish I could just forgive him but its not that easy. He didn't care for my life. And sooner or later he will leave as he did.

Hangi pov~

"What's wrong with him?"

Erwin said as everyone looked at me, I looked down, not wanting to answer his question.

"Hangi.....what is wrong with Levi? Why didn't he hugged eren?"

"I-i don't know"

"Yes, you do! Tell us now!"

"Ok! He's sad, angry, and heart is broken! Because the person he loved almost killed him!!"

Everyone looked at eren, tears started to form in his eyes.

"No! I-i didn't mean to!! It was an accident!"

"So....let me get this straight-"

"You never were"

"Shut it ymir!! I meant to say let me think this right.....you, eren, almost killed Levi?"

"Yes! But it was an accident! I never wanted this to happen....especially to him!"

At this moment eren was crying, and being one of levis childhood friend I know that he is too.

"Levi is crying"

"Eh? How do you know?"

"Since we were little, Levi never liked other people look at him when he cries, so he goes somewhere he is not seen and lets everything out"

"Oh, poor little elf"

"Really Ymir"

"I...i need to go to Levi and say I'm sorry!!"

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