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Hey there my lovely ereri lovers new chapter!!❤ thanks to @tsunakuro for making my day better because i'm very sick but i want you guys to enjoy my chapter!!❤
Eren pov~

I'm so nervous!! I'm carrying levis child!! And i need to wait until Christmas to tell him!! What happens if he notice my growing baby bump!? I want it to be a surprise!! I'll stop using tight clothes, hangi says that its bad for the baby.

"Eren~!" i heard hangis voice coming from behind me.

I turned around and gave her a smile. She skipped to me and stopped.

"How are you doing!?" she said with a big grin.

"I'm doing good hangi!" i said with a smile.

"Only 2 more days until you big day comes!" she said as she jumped up and down.

"Yes i know!" i said with a smile but a bit worried.

"What's wrong?" hangi said as she grabbed my head like a mother would do when her child doesn't want to tell her what's wrong.

"I-it's just i'm scared!" i said as my vision becomes blurry because of the tears im holding in.

"What are you scared about?" she said as she wiped off the tears that rolled down from mt eyes.

"W-what if levi doesn't want to have this baby!? What if he breaks up with me!?" i said

I can't have this baby if levi doesn't want it!! I don't want him to leave me alone again!! I love him too much!!

"Hey, hey it's going to be alright! Levi would never do such a thing! Like i said before, he will be jumping with joy when you tell him!" she said with a warm smile.

"Tell me what?" a very familiar voice said.

I looked behind me seeing the one and only, levi Ackerman, standing there with his arms crossed.

"Nothing!" i said quickly with my hands up.

"I don't like secrets, so tell me what were you two talking about" he said with a glare.

"Nothing~!" hangi said making levi glare at her more.

"Eren?" he said as i put a nervous face

"N-nothing really!" i said with a smile.

"This is a surprise! You will have to wait to found out!!" hangi said as she ran.

She turned around and moved her hands like snakes as she walked backwards and turned at a corner. She picked and pointed at levi.

"Surprise!!" she yelled as he ran again, you can still hear her giggles.

Me and levi face palmed and shook our heads.

"Eren?" levi said still wanting to know the secret.

"I'm not telling you it's a surprise!" i said with a smile.

He let out a sight and hugged me, i hugged him back.

"What's wrong?" I said concerned about him

"Shitwin wants us to help him decorate for christmas" he said as i laugh a little.

"What's wrong with that?" i said with a smile.

"It's a waste of time and i don't want to!" he said as he put a angry face.

I kiss his lips, we started walking to our room. When we were there i lay down with levi on top of me, his head was on my chest. I played with his hair as he sleeps.

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