the jaeger blood

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Hey there my lovely ereri lovers so i may put some smut in this chapter.
So you know i haven't written smut so it may be shitty.
Levi pov~

It's been a few weeks since me and eren started to date, everyone was back to normal, hangi was her crazy and loud self. I think the person that is not happy about this is petra, she is hated by everyone, it's totally her fault not ours.

Me and eren are doing just fine, we do everything a normal couple would do. We kiss, make out, tease each other, and making everyone look at us jealous or with a disgust face. Yeah but we learned to not do it in front of eren's family. Just to cut it short i didn't get my dick cut off.



"Don't mock me!"


"I've been thinking"


" beautiful a family of our own will be"

"Eren.....if you want to start a family just say so. I'll be so happy to make your dream come true"

"Aww thank you levi!"

"That and i want to pound your sweet ass"

"You just ruined the moment"

"But at least i'm telling the truth"

"Yes, yes you are"

I let a chuckle, i hugged him bringing him close to me. I kiss him, he kissed back. I put my hands on his waist, but slowly started to slide them down, i stopped when my hands were on his ass. I squished and grope his ass cheeks, enjoying every moment.

"Levi~ stop~"

"I know you like it~"

I kissed down erens neck, he tilted his head to give me more access to his neck. Making sure i give him some hickeys. A moan came out of him as i kiss a spot on his neck, i started to suck on it and bite it as moans came out of him.

I got on top of him, but then the door burst open.

"Oops! Sorry i interrupted!"

"What do you want shitty glasses?"

"Oh we're going on a mission right now!"

"Ugh....fine leave so we can get ready"

With that she closed the door and i got off of eren. We started to change into our clothes. Eren was wearing a black shirt that showed his belly button, some black rip skinny jeans, some combat boots and his hoodie that he stole. I'm wearing a black shirt with black jeans with combat boots and a hoodie that was long.

Then we started to run to my truck, i got into the driver seat and eren on what hangi likes to call the shotgun seat because she always screams that when she is getting in a vehicle

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Then we started to run to my truck, i got into the driver seat and eren on what hangi likes to call the shotgun seat because she always screams that when she is getting in a vehicle. The rest of my group sat on the passenger seats.

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