a nightmare

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Hey there I hope you enjoy it, please don't cry if I make it a little sad!? In the end, I may get a little inspirational.
Levi pov~

"Come on eren one more push!"

I watch how my lover was bringing our children to this world. His screams and pushes were the only things that I could hear, and it hurt me to watch my lover be in so much pain.

"I swear to god Levi I'm not letting you pound my ass again!!"

I cringe when he tightens his grip on my hand, it hurts, but nothing is compared with the pain eren is having.

"Almost there! Just one more push!"

Eren screamed as our first baby cried, but then the doctor took him somewhere. Eren then started to push again, then the doctor came back to get the other baby.

When it was out he runs out, my eyes widened when the heart monitor was slowing down.

Tears started to build up as I started to scream at eren.

"No eren, please!!! Don't give up!! You need to live!! I need you! Our children need you!!"

"I'm... s-sorry levi.....i love...you"

Those were his words as the monitor line was going in a straight line. I scream in horror.

"No this can't be happening!?! Eren! Eren!!.....EREN!!!!"

I woke up in a startle, tears streaming down my face. I looked at my side and sight in relief, eren was beside me looking at me with a worry expression. I went and hugged him tightly.

"Hey Levi it's alright, it was just a nightmare"

Eren said as he rubbed circles on my back and whispered sweet words that made me relax.

"I...i thought i...lost you"

"No...you didn't... I will never leave you. Now let's go back to sleep"

Eren gave me a kiss as we went to sleep again. I hugged eren tight and rubbed his belly.

Why is this happening!? Why!?!

"I'm sorry levi....but they didn't make it"

I collapsed to the ground as I cried my eyes out. My whole family....is gone.

Eren....didn't survive. My two babies didn't make it. My whole life is ruined.

"No!!! Why did I do to deserve this!?! I just wanted to be happy for once in my life!!"

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked at the person and my eyes widened in horror.

No..not him, I never wanted to see his face again.


"Levi! Levi!... Levi!!"

My eyes widened when I heard a familiar voice.

"Say goodbye Levi"

He said as everything went pitch black. The last thing I remember is eren holding the kids.

Eren pov~

I felt a lot of movement beside me, I looked at Levi and my eyes widened.
Levi had tears streaming down his face, as he started to speak in his sleep.

"No please!"

He screamed as I went and started to shake him, I tried to wake him up. But what he said scared me.

My monster~((ereri))~||completed||Where stories live. Discover now