im what!?!

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New chapter!! I don't have homework so if you are reading my other story prepare for a chapter!!

It's been a month since eren and I... well you know. And eren has been throwing up every morning, i tell him to go to hangi so she can check out what's wrong with him, but he refuses every time saying that he's just a little sick.

"Eren please go to hanji! Im getting worried about you!" i plead to eren who was in the bathroom throwing up.

"Its ok levi, im fine" he said as he finished throwing up.

He stood up and walked to the bed, he got inside the covers. I walked to where he was sleeping.

"Eren jaeger!! If you don't go to hangi i'm not sleeping with you!" i said with an angry face.

I know how much eren enjoys my company when he's in bed. He'll get angry if i leave without him knowing. He says that i'm like a big cuddling bear and that i'm warm.

"Fine! Leave!" he said as he glared at me.

I let out a sigh and walked out of the room. I went to hangi, i need to talk to her about eren.
When i got to her office i knock three times. The door burst open, and there stood shitty glasses.

"Yes~?" she said with a big grin on her face, her hair massier than usual.

"I need to talk to you" i said with a hint of worry, anger and seriousness.

"I didn't record you guys have sex! Those guys are lying!!" she said with widened eyes.

I raised an eyebrow at her, well i wasn't expecting that.

"I wasn't going to talk about that, but since you already say it we might have to discus that too" i said as i glared at her.

She let an awkward laugh as she scratched the back of her head. She let me go in, i sat at a chair she has and she sat on another.

"So what are we gonna discuss about?" she said as she played with a pen.

"It's about eren" i said with a hint of sad.

She looked up and stopping playing with the pen, her face changed to a serious one.

"What's wrong with eren?" she said with a serious face as she sat at her desk.

I let out a sigh and looked at her.

"I'm not sure what is wrong with him but he's been throwing up lately. I'm worried about him, i try to tell him to come with you so you can cheek what is wrong with him!" i said with a worried face.

She nodded understanding what i'm saying. So i continued with what i'm saying.

"He is eating more than usual and he sleeps more, he doesn't want to train what makes it strange" i said as hangi got up and got a paper and a pen.

"Continue levi, i may know what is wrong with him" she said. I nodded

"Well he also tells me to get him some strange foods, for example he tells me to get him ice cream with pickles. I find it strange and disgusting" i said as i put a disgust face when i mention the food he tells me to get him.

Hangi wrote something on her pace of paper and her eyes widened. I started to get a strange feeling on my stomach. I don't know if os a good one or a bad feeling.

Hangi let out a sigh as she stood up, i walked by her side but stopped when the door burst open. I looked behind me and found eren with tears. He ran up to me and hugged me, i hugged him back wondering what made him cry like this.

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