The meeting

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Hey hey, my lovely ereri lovers, new chapter so first thing, the picture just imagine Zeke more shaved and his hair cut better cut, I found this and gave me an idea of what I wanted to write for this chapter, so no more talking let's get started with this story.
Levi pov~

How many years has it been since I saw those beautiful golden eyes, 9 years I think. ((sorry I'm lazy to write and I wanted eren to be 18 so yeah))
Me and petra's relationship is going fine but we haven't done anything that will end up with little brats running around why? You may ask well 1. I'm more focused on my work than that and 2. I DON'T LIKE HER, she is like a friend. We did break up 6 years ago but she will always complain why I did it or if she wasn't good and that she will change. And let me tell, you that was alright for the first 3 years, but now I can't handle wanting to strangle her to death, so we got together again. I fucking hate myself right now. I'm 24 years old now and let me tell you that nothing change, well except that after having Mikasa not on my team for 1 and a half year was over i figured out that I actually need her because I go to deadly missions and my team is not still ready for that kind of challenges, so with just me and Mikasa is enough to get the mission complete.

"Everyone the boss wants us in the meeting room, as fast as possible!!!"

I got up from my seat and walked out to eyebrows office. Then I saw everyone there. Wow, I'm so slow or maybe they are to fast.

"All right shit win, what did you want to talk about, that includes everyone"

"Well, this talk is about something important. Today at 4:30 one of the most dangerous and wanted gang will come and we will have a meeting so I will need Levi, and his squad, hangi, with mobit, and mike, this is serious so make sure you look as tough as possible, well not Levi he already is scary. And for the rest make a lookout to make sure no stranger will come and do something. That will be all you can go back at what you were doing"

"Sir, yes sir!!!"

"Tell me something shit win, is this gang as bad as ours"


"Then why are you so serio-"

"They are much better than ours, and to think that that gang has only 6 people in it"

"Why are they so much better than us if they only have 6 people in it?"

"You don't understand Levi, this gang is known all around the world, they have killed more people than us, stilled more money than us, and is more wanted than us. This gang is so powerful"

"Dang, so what is this meeting about?"

"I don't know, I got a call and they told  me that they are going to come and discuss something"

"Don't worry if they plan anything I will be there to stop it, just so you know if you get killed I'm joining their gang and dumping yours"

"Thanks that help"

"You are fucking welcome"


"Erwin, they are here!"

"Good, I'm ready how about you guys"

Everyone nodded and sat down, making their best serious face. Then the door cracked opened, the first one that we see is a tall as a guy with a scary face and a very built blond guy he also had a scary face, but then they moved to the side and there was a blond guy with glasses. He walked to a seat that a girl with freckles pulled out ((😏)). He sat down, then the rest just stood behind him. He snapped his fingers, a brunette beauty came and sat on his lap. He was wearing a really sexy outfit.

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