Chapter 17

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After Justin and Caitlin were done being all mushy, us girls walked into the kitchen. Well, I had to use my crutches to get out there, "Hey Pattie- well Mom- can Caitlin and Ashley spend the night?" I asked. I finally felt comfortable enough now to call Pattie, Mom.

"Sure honey. It's a Saturday, so they can if okay with their parents," Pattie said.

"Thank you!" I squealed and then Ashley and Caitlin pulled out their phones to call their parents.

"Mine said yes," Ashley said while turning off her phone.

"Mine said, in Justin's words, it's aight," Caitlin said, making Ashley and I laugh.

They went to get their clothes, toiletries, etc. from their houses, which were only fifteen minutes away. "Hey Mom, can the guys spend the night here?" Justin walked out of his room and asked.

She sighed. "I guess. Caitlin and Ashley are staying the night, too."

"Yes! Eh, you and Caitlin better watch your backs tonight!" Justin said while pointing a finger at me. What the heck was he talking about? What did we do? He must have seen my puzzled look because he said,"Purple nails and red mustaches?"

Now I remembered.

The last time Caitlin spent the night, we pranked Justin, Ryan, Chaz, and Christian. Let me tell you, they're very sound sleepers. We snuck into Justin's room, which was were all the guys were sleeping, and Caitlin polished all of their finger nails purple. While she was doing that, I was busy drawing red mustaches on their faces in Sharpie.

They all woke up the next morning, pushed us into their room, and started spraying us with silly string. Caitlin and I each grabbed a can and started spraying them. Then Pattie came in because she heard us yelling. We cleaned it up, but as Caitlin and I were walking out, she said the mustaches were a nice touch. I thought that we were pretty even, but I guess Justin and the boys still wanted revenge. Ah, well, boys will be boys.

"If you prank us, we'll get you back," I replied in a cocky tone.

"We'll see if you even have the guts to after this prank," he said with a smirk and then walked to his bedroom, probably to work on his revenge plan with the boys.

When Caitlin and Ashley got back, I told them what Justin had said. I had a prank all figured out, but I was curious to what kind of a prank they wanted to pull; if they even wanted to pull one at all.

When we were in my room, I told them my prank idea. This one was only for Justin though. At about midnight, we'll take flashlights and Saran Wrap into the garage with us. We'll use many layers and Saran Wrap Justin's car from every single angle, making it impossible for him to get into his car tomorrow.

"We're totally using that!" Caitlin exclaimed and Ashley agreed. "I remember when I was younger, Ryan would always bring Oreos with him when he went to a sleep over. I wonder if he still does that? I think he does. So, what we can do, is lick off all the cream and put white toothpaste in between the cookies. Then when he eats them, he'll get a mouth full of cookies and tooth paste."

"I love it!" Ashley said.

"Me too," I agreed.

"I have an idea for a prank to pull on Christian," Ashley said. Caitlin and I nodded for her to continue. "Doesn't he still hate cream cheese?" Caitlin nodded. "I can cut off a slice of cream cheese and put it on the stick of his deodorant. Then when he puts it on, he'll get cream cheese in his armpits."

"Yes!" Caitlin and I cheered. We just needed one more prank to pull. We needed one to pull on Chaz and I think I had just the right one.

"Since Chaz loves his phone, we should pretend that one of us accidentally spilled glue on it. We'll take white, liquid glue and put it on a thick piece of plastic. Let it dry, pull it off, and set it under a candle or a heavy book so it will flatten out. Grab his phone, set the fake glue spill it, and then tilt the glue bottle by it so it looks like the glue actually got spilled. But, make sure that the cap of glue bottle is tightly screwed on when we put it by his phone."

"Best prank ever!" Caitlin exclaimed.

"I second that!" Ashley agreed.

I looked at the clock, it was already 7:00. "We better get busy," I said and walked out of my room to grab glue and plastic.

I put the glue in a think, crazy-shaped, glob on top of the plastic. Now I had to wait for it to dry.

The boys were in the living room doing who knows what. So, now was the perfect time to grab Christian's deodorant and Ryan's Oreos. Caitlin went and got that stuff in under five minutes. She came back into my room with it and also grabbed the extra bottle of toothpaste she'd brought just for pranking purposes. "Family sized. Looks likes we're going to be eating a lot of Oreo cream tonight." Caitlin said and ripped open the package.

We each took a handful and started licking the cream off. About an hour later, all the cream was gone. Now there was toothpaste squished in between the cookies. We put them back in the package and sealed it back up. It didn't even look like we'd laid a finger on it.

I walked out into the kitchen and got cream cheese. Luckily, Pattie was in her room, and the boys were in the basement, probably playing video games. Ashley opened Christian's stick of deodorant and took out a chunk of cream cheese. She molded it on top of the deodorant so that it looked like it was supposed to be there. She stuck the cap on and handed it to Caitlin. Caitlin grabbed the Oreos and walked back into Justin's room to put the stuff back where she found it.

I checked the glue. Dry. I peeled the glue off the plastic and set it under a heavy book. This will probably take one to two hours to flatten and it was already 8:30. Since we had some time on our hands, Caitlin, Ashley, and I decided to watch Mean Girls.

After the movie, the glue was flat. I handed the glue and the glue bottle to Caitlin so she could put them on Chaz's phone. When she got back, we watched Mean Girls 2 while eating popcorn.

When that movie was finished, it was around midnight. The guys were in Justin's room, so now was the perfect time to Saran Wrap Justin's car.

I grabbed three flashlights and Caitlin got the Saran Wrap from the kitchen. We went out to the garage and Caitlin and Ashley started doing the Saran Wrapping. I wouldn't be much help since I was on crutches. So, I just shined the flashlight on the car.

After two hours, every inch of his car was covered in Saran Wrap. It was 2:00 A.M. and Caitlin, Ashley, and I were all very exhausted from getting the pranks set up. We went to my bedroom and Caitlin and Ashley laid out their sleeping bags and pillows. I got in my bed and they got in their sleeping bags. We fell asleep thinking about the boys reactions when they find out that they'd been pranked.

A/N Thank you for 1.4k reads! Just an FYI: None of these pranks are original. I found them on YouTube. Question: What's your favorite song(s) by Justin? Mine are One Life and Fall. I have a few others, but those are just two. Put your answer in the comments section. Vote and comment. :)

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