Chapter Eight

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  "Mom! That stupid mustache hasn't come off my face yet!" I whined on Monday morning.

  "Sorry Justin. I didn't think that it would still be on after a day," Tori apologized.

  "I just need to get it off because I have an interview today."

  "Here's my makeup remover," my mom said handing it to me. "Try some of it."

  "Okay," I replied.

  "I have to drive Tori to school. I'll be back in half an hour."

  "Bye. Good luck," I told Tori.

  "Bye Justin. Thanks and good luck at your interview."

  "Thanks because I'm going to need it." 

  I walked into the bathroom and opened the cupboard to try to find some cotton balls. When I found them, I poured some make up remover on one and five minutes later, I was mustache free. "Thank goodness," I muttered to myself. If it was still on my face, I would definately be asked about it. Which, would lead up to me talking about Tori and I'd probably let Caitlin's name slip by accident. They'd probably ask me who Caitlin was and then, I don't know what I'd tell them.

  I ate some breakfast, showered, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and then waited for my mom to get home. Fifteen minutes later, my mom walked inside. "Scooter will be here in half an hour to pick you up. Then you have a three hour flight to Hollywood to go meet with E! News." 


  "And Justin, don't say anything you'll regret."

  "I won't. You have nothing to worry about." I was the one who had things to worry about! How was I supposed to tell them about my long lost sister that I never knew anything about? I also know that they're going to ask me if I'm in a relationship right now. That one question burned in the back of my mind: Do I tell them about Caitlin, or not?

  I decided if they pulled out a magazine article with a picture of Caitlin and I in it, I'd tell the interviewer. If not, it would remain unknown to the world. 

  "Justin! Scooter's here!" My mom yelled upstairs.

  "Coming!" I hollered back.

  "Bye hun. Have a good interview."

  "Thanks. See you later tonight."

  "Love you."

  "Love you too, Mom."

  I walked outside to Scooter's car and got in. "You know what you're going to say, right?" he asked as I got in the car.

  "I think so. I'll start out with the normal stuff like my music, and then they'll probably bring up Tori. I'll tell them."

  "Sounds like a good plan."

  Fifteen minutes later, we pulled into the airport. We went around the back to a where my private jet was parked so that no paparazzi or fans would see us.

  Three hours later, I was back stage waiting to go on for my interview. I walked out five minutes later, ready to announce that I had a little sister to the world. "Justin! I love you!" One fan yelled from the crowd. More cheers erupted arfter that.

  "I love you, too!" I exclaimed while sitting down on a couch.

  "So Justin, your My World Tour has recently come to an end. How did you like you first headlining tour?" the interviewer, Michelle, asked.

  "I loved it. I mean the fans were great. Also, my team was amazing and always helped me," I replied and then threw in a hair flip which made the fans go even crazier. 

  "What was your favorite song to perform?"

  "I loved performing Down to Earth. I love the intimate moments with the fans. And when I performed that song, I felt like I was really connecting with them." There was a chorus of  "awwws" that came from the crowd. "Awww," I mimicked.

  Michelle had a quick laugh after I mimicked them and then got down to business. "There's this picture in a magazine of you, your mom, and a girl who looks about three years younger than you. New girlfriend, Justin?"

  "No! Not even close!" I exclaimed.

  "Then, who is she?"

  I took a deep breath. "She's my little sister," there were murmurs throughout the crowd. I continued. "Her name is Tori. I came across a scrap book when I was looking for vacuum; it fell open to a page that showed a picture of my mom holding a baby girl in the hospital. I thought she was just holding one of her friends new-born kids. But, when she got home, I asked her about it. What she said, I wasn't all. As most of you know, my mom had me when she was 17. She said that before my parents split, they had another baby. She was only 20 at the time, so that meant that Tori was three years younger than me."

  "What happened after that?" Michelle asked.

  "My mom then gave her up for adoption because she didn't have the money to raise two kids when she was only 20 years old. I asked her what orphanage she sent Tori to. She told me and I went onto their website. I went to the page with the girls who were up for adoption. The second face I saw, was Tori's."

  "That's a lot to take in. So I'm assuming you adopted her?"

  "Yes we did. And her best friend is a huge belieber, so I met her. It was a great experience for her and for me. This girl, her name's Katie, probably only dreamed of meeeting me. And then her dream came true. I'm also flying her out to New York to see me perform on New Year's Eve in Times Square.

  "That's so sweet of you. We also saw this on a magazine cover." She showed me the magazine cover. It was a picture of Caitlin and I holding hands ay Craig's Cruisers. "Justin will give you the juicy details right after this." Thank goodness we were going to commercial!

  I rushed backstage and called Caitlin. "Caitlin pick up," I muttered to myself.

  "Hello?" Caitlin asked.

  "Hey, it's Justin. I know you're in school, but it's an emergency."

  "What is is?" she asked, concerned. 

  "I'm at an interview and they asked about you. what do you want me to tell them?"

  "Just say that I'm one of your best friends and that you hadn't seen my in awhile."

  "Good idea. Thanks. I have to go."



  I went back out for the interview, and did exactly what Caitlin said to do. They believed me and all went smoothly.

  "How did it go?" my mom asked me as I was talking to her on the phone on my way back to Atlanta.

  "It went great. I told them about Tori."

  "How did that go?"

  "Great. They were shocked, but other than that, it was a normal interview."

  "Okay. Well I have to go. I'm taking Tori shopping for new clothes. I should've done it earlier, but you took her to Craig's Cruisers."

  "Okay. I'll see you when I get home."

  When I got home, luckily Tori and my mom were gone because it was a media frenzy outside. I had no idea why, but I was going to find out.

A/N Thank you so, so much for all the reads! It really means a lot. So keep reading and keep commenting and voting. The more reads I get, the faster I'll update. I know there's not a person on E! News named Michelle, but just go with it :)

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