Chapter 18: Pancake Mix and Kool-Aid

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The girls and I woke up the next morning to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. Yum! my favorite! We walked downstairs and saw the guys devouring the pancakes and the sausage that was laid out in front of them. "Hey! Save some for us!" I exclaimed and they turned their heads in our direction.

I quickly grabbed three plates, three knives, and three forks for Caitlin, Ashley, and I. I grabbed mine, the girls took theirs, and we started piling our plates with pancakes and sausage. After we all were finished Chaz said,"We're going to need more food."

"Agreed," Justin said.

"Yup," Ryan and Christian said in unison. Justin looked at us girls.

"I'm up for more. What about you two?" I asked Caitlin and Ashley.

"Sure," they also said together.

"Aight. Who's making them?" Justin asked.

"Watch this," Caitlin whispered in my ear. "I'll make them," she said to everyone while walking up to the stove.

"Oh no you won't," Justin said and walked to the stove. "Allow me."

"You don't know the first thing about cooking!" Ryan yelled to Justin.

"Can someone go grab a fire extinguisher?" Chaz asked and all of us, minus Justin, burst out laughing.

"Haha. Very funny," Justin said sarcastically. "I can probably do a better job than Caitlin."

Caitlin raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? How about we do a little competition. Boys vs. girls?"

"You're on," Justin said and grabbed the pancake mix, measuring cup and filled it with water.

Caitlin got a spatula, another measuring cup, and another pan because the boys were using the pan that was already on the stove. "3...2...1...go!" Caitlin yelled and we started making pancakes. I quickly measured out the water and then poured the water into a bowl. Ashley had figured out how much pancake mix we'd need, so she poured it into the bowl with the water. She quickly mixed it, making sure there were no globs of pancake mix, and handed the bowl to Caitlin. She poured it onto the pan and now, all we had to do was sprinkle chocolate chips on top, and wait for them to cook all the way through. We all sprinkled some chocolate chips on and waited.

I looked next to me at the boys. When I'm competing, I can tune things out. I was tuning them out, but now since I'm watching them struggle, I kind of can't. "You need more water!" Chaz yelled at Ryan. Ryan put more water in the bowl and started mixing. One thing about boys and mixing food, they always manage to spill it in some way.

Ryan was mixing the pancake mix and water so fast, that it started going over the brim of the bowl and spilling onto the floor. I started laughing. The girls joined in when the mix started getting on Ryan's shirt. "You think this is funny, eh?"

Caitlin flipped the pancakes onto a plate because they were golden brown and cooked to perfection. "Yes. Yes we do Ryan," Caitlin answered as if it were obvious.

"Do you think this is funny?" He asked. He took a handful of the mix out of the bowl and, in the blink of an eye, and threw it at me. The pancake mix landed on my shirt. You throw sticky food at me, it isn't going to end well. Ryan messed with a bull, and when you mess with a bull, you get the horns.

I grabbed their measuring cup, which was full of water. I calmly walked over to Ryan and dumped the water on his head. "Caitlin, you can finish him off." She took a handful of pancake mix in her hand and threw it at Ryan; it stuck to his shirt.

"Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong!" Chaz yelled. Before we knew it, all four boys were throwing pancake mix at us.

The girls and I grabbed pancake mix and started throwing it at the boys. In five minutes, we were all covered in either powdery pancake mix, soupy pancake mix, and damp due to water. And then, Pattie walked into the kitchen.

"I heard yelling- what is the meaning of this?" Pattie asked while practically yelling.

"Um...well see," Justin said, trying to figure out a way to explain this so that him and I wouldn't get grounded. "We were all still hungry, so we decided to have a competition for who could make pancakes the fastest. But they also had to taste good. It was boys vs. girls. The girls were winning and when Ryan was mixing the pancake mix, some came out of the bowl because he was mixing too fast. Ryan threw some mix at the girls because they were laughing, and then it went down hill from there."

I realized that he'd left out the part about me dumping the water and mix on Ryan. I thought he would've blamed me but, then again, he's a great brother.

"Alright. Clean up the mess in here and then go clean yourselves up," Pattie told us.

The boys looked at each other and smirked. What were they up to? "We'll clean it. You girls can go and clean yourselves up," Justin said. I know they're up to something. But, I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to not have to clean the kitchen.

I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom. Caitlin used the bathroom that was down the hall and Ashley used the bathroom that was connected to the guest bedroom.

I stripped down and hopped in the shower. I finished about fifteen minutes later. When I got out, I dried myself off and looked in the mirror. My jaw dropped. My whole body, including my hair, was stained purple!

I put on my clothes and walked of the bathroom. When I was out, I heard two screams about a second apart. One was Caitlin's and one was Ashley's. A minute later, they came running out of the bathrooms. "The boys did this!" Caitlin yelled and we took off towards the kitchen.

"What happened?" Pattie asked in shock as we ran into the kitchen.

"I think the boys pranked us," I replied while raising an eyebrow and looking at the boys who were now doubled over in laughter.

"Justin. What did you guys do?" Pattie asked sternly.

"Gave the girls some payback. Nobody messes with the prankster and gets away with it," Justin said to her.

"Kool-Aid in the shower head. Best prank ever dude!" Christian exclaimed in between laughs.

"This is Kool-Aid?" I yelled.

"Yup!" Ryan replied while popping the "p".

"You do know that this stuff stains right?" Caitlin, who was know colored blue, asked.

"Yup," Chaz answered.

"Dude! Shut up!" Justin whisper-yelled to him.

"You did this on purpose? And you knew it was going to stain our skin?" Ashley, who was now green, exclaimed.

"Um, yeah," Justin said and hung his head.

"Girls, one of you can use my shower and there's more bathrooms on the main floor. As for you Mr.," Pattie said while pointing at Justin,"go hang out with your friends. I'll deal with you later."

A/N What do you think is going to happen to Justin? Will he get grounded? Or get off the hook? Will the boys be mad when they find out that they got pranked?

I decided to give my chapter's names now. And thank you for the 1.5k reads! :)

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