Chapter 19: My car...and everything else

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The guys and I walked into my room, and then into separate bathrooms so we could change clothes, brush our teeth, etc. I have a pretty big house if I do say so myself. There's 15 bedrooms and 9 full bathrooms with a swimming pool in the backyard, a volley ball court, and a basketball hoop. There's also a home gym in the basement and a screening room. I'm the only one who uses the home gym, though.

There's seven bedrooms and four bathrooms upstairs, four bedrooms on the main floor and three bathrooms, and four bedrooms and two bathrooms in the basement.

I walked out of the bathroom in my usual: basketball shorts, a t-shirt, and my signature, flippy hair. Chaz walked out in basically the same thing; except for his hair was spiked up.

Christian was wearing sweat pants and t-shirt, Ryan was wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt also. "Christian?" I asked.


"Why do you smell like...cream cheese?"

"Good so I wasn't imag- wait what?"

"You smell like cream cheese," Ryan told him.

"I don't know why I smell like that. I hate cream cheese!"

"We know you hate it. So why do you smell like that."

"I don't know. Wait a second. There was this weird feeling when I was putting on my deodorant." He grabbed his stick of Axe deodorant and took the cap off. Sure enough, there was a glob of cream cheese plopped on the top.

"Yup. It's your deodorant," I said. Christian just shrugged and walked back into the bathroom to get the cream cheese covered deodorant off his arm pits.

"Are you guys still hungry?" Ryan asked.

"Yes," Chaz and said in unison.

"I got Oreos. Let's eat!"

We walked into my bedroom and Ryan grabbed his package of Oreos. We walked into the living room and started eating them. I took one bite and I knew something was wrong with these cookies. The cream just didn't taste right. It tasted...uh! What's the word? Minty.

Chaz and Ryan each pulled apart an Oreo and started licking off the cream. "Yuck! Dude! What did you do? Poison these?" Chaz asked Ryan.

"It tastes like...toothpaste." That's what it was. But how? The girls couldn't have pranked us because they didn't know that we were going to prank them. I told Tori to watch her back, but that didn't mean that we were pranking her, even though we did.

"Go give an Oreo to Tori. If she eats it, it wasn't the girls. If she doesn't, we've been pranked," I said.

Chaz decided to go and give Tori the Oreo. When he came back, he said that she'd eaten it. So, she's not the one who did this. I grabbed two cookies, got up, and gave them to Caitlin and Ashley. They ate them. Who could be pranking us?

"Hey who wants to go shoot some hoops at the YMCA?" I asked.

Everyone said yes. We went to grab our phones, and when Chaz got his, he freaked out. He mumbled a string of cuss words and then yelled, "There's glue on my phone! Someone spilled glue! My phone is broken! Who did this?"

"No idea. Just try to peel it off," Ryan told him.

"But them I'm going to scratch the screen," Chaz argued back.

"Oh, give it here you big baby." Chaz threw Ryan his phone, and when he peeled the glue off, it came off easily. Not a mark of glue was left behind. How did this happen? Eh, who cares. His precious phone is fine, so it really doesn't matter how this happened.

"Aight! Leggo!" I yelled and we walked out to the garage and to my car. I saw my car and my jaw dropped. My red Z28 2010 Chevrolet Camaro was covered in Saran Wrap. Every inch was covered from every angle. This going to take awhile to get off. That's when I realized, the girls had most likely won this prank war.

I walked inside to see the girls laughing and high-fiving each other. "Did you prank us?" I asked, a little bit angrily. Okay, a lot a bit angrily.

"Yup," Caitlin giggled. "We win you lose!"

"You're so mean!" I exclaimed.

"Says the guy who stained our bodies and hair with Kool-Aid! Luckily for you, we could get it off our bodies. But we couldn't get it of our hair. Look at this!" I looked at their hair.

"It looks like Tori's going to school with purple hair, Ashley's going to school with green hair, and you, babe, are going to school with blue hair."

"Justin, wipe that stupid smirk off your face! If you don't, I will!"

"Uh huh. Let's see about that," I answered.

She came over and was about to slap me on the cheek. But before she could, I put her face in my hands and pulled her closer to me. A second later, our lips touched. I pulled away. "Is that stupid smirk off my face now?" I asked.

"Yes it is," She replied as she leaned back in and we started kissing again. I guess that this day hasn't been all bad.

A/N There should be a link or a picture of Justin's car on the side when it's not Saran Wrapped. I've never tried this before, but hopefully it works. And if it doesn't, just Google the car. :)

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