Chapter 3

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Percy's PoV

"Hey Artemis," I said waving at her
"How did you get out alive?" Apollo shouted at me, surprised
"I'll tell you everything if you just listen to one wish of mine, one wish that's it and I think Lord Zeus would love my wish," I pleaded
"What?!" Hestia shouted and I looked over at her, fuck it man she's read my mind.
"No! Don't tell them! I will in my own time and it's my wish anyway!" I said at her a bit harshly and she flinched at my tone, I felt a bit guilty about that.
"Percy, please you can't do it," she said sadly
"What can't he do?" Athena asked
"I show my memories and then you can find out," I said. I looked around in my pocket for a drachma and couldn't find one.

I looked up to find Artemis smiling at me with an outstretched hand offering a drachma. I took it and thanked her she just nodded her head sadly and I looked at her confused.
"I know what she did to you," she whispered in my ear and my eyes widened in shock.
"W-What do yo-you mean?" I stuttered
"I know she raped you," Artemis whispered pulling me into a hug, I stood their in a shock.
"How?" I asked
"Goddess Of virginity remember?" I hugged her back stifling some sobs. All the gods just watched the man hating goddess hug a boy.

She grew to her full height and sat on her throne and looked around at the gods and goddesses. Aphrodite was squealing with delight.
"He's been through a lot," she stated, they all nodded still looked a bit confused.
"O Iris please take in my offering and show them my memories of Tartarus and how I escaped," I said putting the drachma in a pool of water that I made appear in the middle.
"Okay but gods buckled your seat belts," Iris said from the rainbow that appeared.

~~~~After Being Shown The Memories~~~~

"Kill her!"
"That's not possible!"
"Percy I'm so sorry,"
"I don't know but can I plead my request now?" I said
"Sure, go on nephew," Zeus said to me as I raised an eyebrow
"Kill me," I said with no emotion
"Percy!" Poseidon screamed
"What no?!" Artemis shouted
"You can't do it!" Hestia shouted at Zeus.

Artemis's PoV

He can't do this! I already lost him once! What?! Artemis you're a maiden goddess! Knock some sense in to your head!
What if I offer him a position?
Matters what it is
Guardian to the hunt?
Let's go with that then
He has to take it
Why? Because you love him?
What?! Father! No! He's the only decent male in this world and yet he's been destroyed from inside out
Alright I will make him take it
Thank you father I will take care of him
Oh you'd better

"Perseus!" Zeus shouted
"Percy please," Perseus said
"Alright Percy, you said you had no will to live anymore what if we gave you a cause to live for! What if we gave you someone to protect?" Zeus asked
"Well it matters who? And what position," Perseus said confused
"Guardian, guardian of the hunt," I said, he looked at me wide eyed.
"I-I can't," he said
"Why not?" I asked
"They will hate me, I am not worth it," he said
"Will you take it though?" Zeus asked
"I-I will," Poseidon chuckled at his son
"Swear to protect them with everything," Zeus said

Perseus came to my thrown and bowed.
"I sear upon, the river Styx and father of this universe Chaos, to always protect the hunt and Artemis with my life, I will never willingly leave their side when I am needed and I shall be a lover, friend, brother or a shoulder to cry upon forever. If needed so I swear off the support of women in a loving relationship until I am fixed by someone who truly cares for me. I will willingly give my life for the hunt and Artemis so they can live peacefully." Perseus concluded.
All the gods stared at him in shock and awe, no one ever survived swear upon Chaos. He shouldn't of done that.
"As amazing as that was, you shouldn't of sworn in Chaos," I said worried in a way of what will happen to him.

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