Chapter 6

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Thalia's PoV

It was him! He was lost hero though? He's alive! Percy's alive!! Omg! I ran up to Artemis and hugged her, she hugged me back. I jumped up and down in joy, he left though oh badly he's gonna pay when he wakes up!
"It's really him isn't it?" I asked, pulling away with tears pouring down my face
"Yes, Thalia it is," she replied, she wiped the tears off my face. I looked at her, she was amazing person and I know that she likes Percy. Artemis was so heart broken when he went missing.
"Come on, help me take his cloak off," Artemis said pulling his cloak over his head.
"Alright," I said, we pulled his a cloak off and his armour. His tattered t-shirt and burnt jeans were all that were left.
"We can't have anyone go in here," Artemis said
"Then what are we gonna do?" I asked
"Say this is where the guardian is resting at the moment, and when's he's rested he can come out, and the tent can be in use again,"  Artemis explain pulling Percy's t-shirt over his head, I gasped the word heartless was just glistening over all of his other scars. It was freshly scanned like it had been done yesterday but not exactly.
"None of the hunters are gonna not come in here, and who did this?" I stated, Artemis shook her head she had tears in her eyes.
"Well then we'll just move him to my tent none of the hunters go there, I'll have to say he went hunting instead of being tired because he'll be awake by tomorrow," Artemis plainly said avoiding my question. This wasn't fair. Why was was she ignoring my question?
"Who did THIS?!" I shouted getting enraged, Percy shifted in his sleep and Artemis stroked his hair off forehead.
"Annabeth," she muttered
"Oh hell is she gonna go through!" I shouted
"She's already in hell," Artemis said looking up from Percy's face.
"What do you mean?" I asked (Dam you Justin Bieber, see what I did?, no? Okay bye😞)
"You like him, don't deny it," I said smiling changing the topic
"What? N-no I don't," she spat out nervously
"Don't deny it milady," I said looking up at her
"Alright it's pointless to do so, and come on pick him up with me and take him to my tent." Artemis said picking Percy's torso up. I picked his feet up and we walked to Artemis's tent.
"Where are we gonna put him?" I asked
"On my bed," Artemis said, and I gasped, I nearly dropped him.
"Don't drop him!" She hissed at me, Percy groaned in his sleep.
"Y-Your bed?" I stuttered
"Yes it's the only way we can heal him without Apollo," she answered
"You called?" Someone behind me said
"Apollo," Artemis grumbled. Percy's eyes fluttered open, he screamed then looked around saw his bare chest and flipped out of mine and Artemis's hands.
"No! Stop! Please! ARTEMIS! I trusted you!" He sobbed looking straight at her with a betrayed look in his eyes.

Artemis looked at me and I went forward, I touched his should and he moved away.
"Stop, don't touch him! Let Artemis try," Apollo said and I moved back as Artemis went forward and grasped his hand he flinched but didn't move away. I looked at Apollo curiously, he looked back at me and winked. I rolled my eyes and sighed no matter how serious the the matter is he will always flirt.
"Quit flirting with my lieutenant and help him!" Artemis shouted at Apollo and Percy started to back away from Artemis.
"Artemis don't shout! You're scaring him! He's having a panic attack, look him in the eyes and talk to him, he needs someone who won't remind him of Annabeth," Apollo said calmly but Percy got really scared at hearing Annabeth's name and started to shake.
"Please, is she here? No! Please," Percy muttered.

Artemis's PoV

"Hey, she's not here just me and you," I said turning his head to face me, I looked into his sad broken sea green eyes.
"Art-Artemis," he sighed before putting his head onto my shoulder, I froze for a second before comforting him.
"Take him to your tent," Apollo said
"Ok, Percy?" I heard a mumbled yes and told him to get up.
"I-I can't wa-walk," he said, I looked at him trying to get up.
"Here," I said giving my hand and pulling him up. He was so light yet so muscular. His eight pack covered in scars was shining brightly. I didn't realise I was staring until he whispered into my ears.
"You like what you see?" I grunted in response, I pulled his arm around my shoulder and he winced in pain.
"My ribs," he grumbled
"Apollo," I said reaching the bed in my tent and putting him down.
"What's wrong with him?" Thalia asked
"Far as I know he has, haphephobia," Apollo said, me and Thalia looked at each other then at Apollo.
"Fear of being touched by a human, in a sexual way and abusive way, that why he got scared of Thalia, the way she touched him may have triggered a memory, and that made him be scared of Thalia," Apollo explained
"Wow, you actually said something smart for once," I said and Apollo scowled at me.
"Can you heal him?" Thalia asked
"His physical yes, his mentality no, that will be fixed over time," Apollo said putting his hand over Percy.
"You know I've been listening this whole time?" Percy asked and I hit my head.
"But you didn't understand a bit did you kelp head?" Thalia asked holding back a laugh
"So right pine cone face!" Percy laughed, they burst out laughing until Percy was coughing up blood.
"M-My cur-curses," he said
"What curses?" Thalia asked
"Stop let him recover," Apollo said holding his hand over Percy's ribs and stopping the blood.
"I was cursed with many curses, tons of them have gone but two of them will remain till I'm living, one where I will always have nightmares and flashbacks of what happened there and that I will be always haunted with my worst fear, drowning," he said gulping
"Son of the sea god? And he's afraid of drowning?" Thalia asked confused, Percy sighed
"Gaia used my own power against me, she used the earth to drown me and then she would get water to surround me that was filled with poison, I would heal but it would be painful and ever since I've been so scared of water I can only just shower, rivers, oceans and lakes hell no!" He explained.
"Ok enough with that now, rest," Apollo said pushing Percy onto his back.
"At least heal the rest of his injuries," I said
"Alright, patience," my brother said and I rolled my eyes. He put his hand over Percy's forehead and Percy's eyes rolled downwards and his eyelids closed.
"He's asleep for now but keep looking after him and the hunter will have to find out after awhile," Apollo said
"Thanks Apollo," I said
"Well that's what I'm here for little sis," he replied smirking
"I'M NOT YOUR LITTL-" Thalia cut me off
"Shut up! Don't wake Percy up!" She hissed at me and Apollo flashed away.

Thalia grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the tent. She squealed. I looked at her confused.
"So tell me why do you like Percy?" She asked, I rolled my eyes and hit my head on my hand.
"Well, um he's really kind, funny and loyal and extremely talented," I said
"No! What do you like about him?" She said stretching the you.
"Okay, I mean I love the way he respect girls, and the way he would do anything to make people happy," I said, this time it was her hitting her head on her head. Just as she as about to open her mouth, Phoebe appeared from the forest with lots of cuts and bruises.
"Army, monster, attacked us, we're losing," Where the only words I caught before we blinded in after her. But I did not see the figure of Percy watching us from the opening of the tent.

Percy's PoV

I heard Phoebe say something about them being attacked. I quickly ran into the infirmary and found my cloak lying if the floor I willed it to fly to me and that's exactly what it did. It formed around me and became the cloak. It had all my swords and knifes. I ran out after Artemis or they way they went. I heard monster roars and the cry of the hunters. I pulled out riptide, it reminded me of old memories but I can't let that get in the way of saving the hunters. I emerged into a clearing of bloodbath. Hunters lying down on the floor, I moved all the injured to the side with the dying but made sure that they were t gonna die. I put a shield over them and the remaining archers. When they fired their next arrows they just bounced off the shield.

I made my way to the front of the battle, I lifted up riptide and the monsters stopped. Artemis looked behind to why they had stopped.
"Get behind me!" I shouted, the remaining hunters fighting didn't move.
"I SAID GET BEHIND ME!" I shouted again and saw plain fear in Artemis's eyes as she rounded the hunters and went into the shield not knowing it was there.
"Come on! Come at me!" I shouted getting into my fighting stance. The monster army ran at me, I was a blur of silver, black, sea-green dancing across the field. I slashed and stabbed until there was no monsters left. I turned around to see all the hunters staring at me with their mouths agape.

I walked over to Artemis and nodded at her, I looked around to see the dying on one side and the injured on one side.
"Okay, let me heal everyone," I said walking over to the dying. Quite a few of the hunters looked disgusted. I chuckled really quietly.
"Okay look I won't touch you," I said and held my hand out and 12 balls of silver mixed with green cane out of my hand and into the hunters lying on the floor. Silver? It must mean that I've met my mate. I felt tired, I walked over actually more like dragged myself over to the injured.
"Mónos! Don't do it! You'll be to tired!" Artemis warned me but I shook it off and 22 balls of sliver mixed with green came out of my hands and into the rest of the hunters that where injured including Artemis. Thalia gasped and turned to me but last thing I saw was her and Artemis rushing over to me before my eyes closed and I slumped to the ground.

Word Count : 1834

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