Chapter 7

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Percy's PoV

My eyes flew open and I scrambled away from the person sitting on my bed. The person approached me and the person was Artemis.
"Don't co-come near me!" I stuttered, she moved her hand back and stopped midstep.
"What did you do?" She asked
"I healed everyone even those whose energy just went," I said, calmed down. She tried to approach me again and I didn't stop her. I slumped onto the floor.
"You did not?!" Artemis said crouching down to my level.
"Wait a second! Where am I? And whose bed was I in? And why am I only in my boxers?!" I screamed and curled into a ball.
"You're in my tent, in my bed and you're in your boxers because you had started to bleed on your wrists and arms, and don't avoid the question" Artemis said with a twinkle in her eyes
"Oh, I think you know what I did," I sighed
"You did the guardians heal?" She asked worried
"I don't know, I stuck my hand out, I kinda just stuck with my gut feeling and for me it's always right as it saved me right when I-I fought my f-first monster," I said faltering at the last bit giving me a memory when I first met Annabeth.
"Hey, I won't ask you about it," Artemis says and I mentally note to tell her everything.
"It's ok, don't worry," I said
"Do you know why you were bleeding?" She asked
"Annabeth, cursed me, so until I find true love with someone and we kiss, then only will the bleeding stop, and every time that means that I loose more and more blood every time until I finally bleed till death," I explained and Artemis just gasped.
"B-but why would she do that?" Artemis asks
"I don't want to talk about it!" I said getting up and startling Artemis. I look around until I find some clothes in a pile next to Artemis's bed. I walk over to pick them up.
"Hey, they're dirty, let me get you some clean clothes," Artemis said walking over, and I just nodded. She clicked her fingers and in her hand was a pair of blue faded jeans of mine and a really old sea-green t-shirt that my mum had bought me. I quickly thanked her and slipped them on. And Artemis just stared at me, it was getting kind of awkward. I coughed.
"Oh sorry, what did you say?" She asked blankly, I hit my head on my hand and laughed at her.
"Oi! What's so funny?!" She asked
"I didn't ask you anything," I got out between my laughs and she pouted at me. Aw she looked so cute. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! She's a bloody maiden for god's sake!
"Come on let's go and make dinner," I say grabbing her hand. She giggled. I dropped her hand and looked at her confused.
"It was dinner time, 4 hours ago," she said
"Oh," was all I got out, she pulled me back to the middle of the tent. This time I took her tent in, it was silver with different animals on the side. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt her hand slip into mine. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"Where am I gonna sleep?" I asked
"You'll sleep in here, so I can check on you and then after that we'll get you a tent that connects onto mine so I can still check on you," Artemis explained her smile turning into a smirk. I groaned and she blushed, she found my groaning embarrassing. I stuck my head back and groaned louder. She hit my stomach, right on my eight pack, I know she felt it. I looked at her and she was red and so red that she looked like a tomato. There was literally no difference.
"Oh so I look like I tomato?" Artemis said pulling her hand out of mine, and glaring at me. I smirked back at her, her glare fell. I ran towards her and picked her up bridal style.

I smirked at her shocked expression, I ran out of her tent, legging it out of the tent and into the forest, we were nearing a hill. She started to kick her legs.
"PUT ME DOWN!" Artemis screamed, I laughed at her.
"Hell no!" I replied
"PERCY! I'm gonna KILL you!" She shouted hiding her face in my chest, I gulped at the fact she wants to kill me. She started to thrash her arms as well. Finally she hit my chest right where my scar was and I coughed tripping us over. And we had to be on a hill didn't we. We started to roll down and I saw Artemis was getting a it hurt, so I pulled her into my body and took most of the impact. I saw her awed expression that I would do this for her, I could feel myself getting scratches and bruises but I could do this any day for Artemis. I pulled her in tighter seeing that we were coming to the end of the hill. We rolled down and stopped, she was directly on top of me and I was staring into her beautiful sliver eyes.

Artemis's PoV

He pulled me in so that he would get most of the impact, and then pulled me in even tighter because we were coming to the end. I looked directly into her dull yet kind of bright sea green eyes, he stared back. I smiled and he pushed a strand of my hair back. He smiled back, I will admit it, I love him. I love him more than anyone.

Someone flashed behind me, and Hermes walked forward. I quickly scrambled to feet falling over Percy's body. He chuckled and stood up putting a hand out for me to grab, I grabbed it and he pulled me up.
"Sorry for ruining that moment, but Zeus requires both of you to come to Olympus now and why did not through a lightening bolt is that Artemis would of left Percy here, now come on," Hermes said giving the message and both me and Percy blushed at the beginning. And I grabbed his hand, nodded at Hermes who flashed away and then flashed both me and Percy to Olympus.

I left Percy in the middle and turned to my full height and went to my throne nodded at Athena and my father. Percy bowed to every single god including me, Hades and Hestia which shocked me.
"Why have you called this meeting?" Asked Poseidon
"For two reasons, one that we should offer Percy godhood again and that it's time for Artemis to make her decision for to marry or I will choose," Zeus explained and that got protest by me and Percy.
"Stop!" Hera shouted and I stared at her along with may others.

I really wanted her to go back to the nice person she was before and just after she married Zeus now she was just a jealous old bitch.
"We'll ask again, Perseus Achilles Jackson, do you accept godhood?" Poseidon asked his son
"I don't know, can you give me some time to decide, I mean it's too much for me right now, you know," Percy said
"That's alright, my son," Poseidon said
"Now Artemis, you have two months to choose someone before I will choose someone," Zeus boomed
"But father, what about the hunters?" I asked
"They will be allowed boys as well but there path can only be broken if you deem there boyfriends or husbands to be worthy but lots of them will stay single," Zeus explained and I nodded.
"Council dismissed," Zeus said and everyone just started to chat. I shrunk down to my normal size.

I walked over to Percy and he leaned forward towards my ear.
"Hey you wanna be a bit of a rebel?" He whispered into my ear
"Why do you have in plan?" I whispered back
"Walk our holding hands?" He asked smirking and pulled away I nodded.
"Bye father," I said waving at him getting all of the gods attention and Percy grabbed my and I intertwined our fingers. We turned and ran out. As soon as we were out, I flashed us back to my tent.

We collapsed down onto the floor, I started to laugh and Percy joined in soon we were rolling on the floor holding our stomachs.
"Milady?" I heard a voice say behind me but ignored it.
"Phoebe? What are you doing here at this moment?" I heard Thalia say and at that I stopped laughing, that's when I realised that I was hugging Percy. We both moved away and shakily got up.
"Thalia? Phoebe?" I asked
"Yes milady?" They both answered
"Do not tel anyone what you saw!" I heard Percy say with gritting teeth
"Come in," I said and they walked in, Phoebe glaring at Percy and Thalia smiling at both me and Percy.
"Ok let me explain," I said
"You do have a lot of explaining to milady," Phoebe said.
I looked at Percy, he nodded.
"Percy is Mónos and he'll explain how he got here," I said and Percy explained everything and at the end Thalia rushed over to him and hugged him so tight like he was gonna leave and never come back. Phoebe just stood there with her mouth agape.
"We have an amazing guardian milady," Phoebe finally said, she looked at Percy and smiled. He smiled back.
"You need to tell the rest of the hunt who you are, and for how long you were gone we always told stories about you and Annabeth," Thalia said spitting out the last word.
"I know," Percy said looking down, I walked up to him. He looked up and I smiled he smiled faintly.
"I'm sorry for being such a burden," he said
"Your not a burden," I said
"Come on Phoebe, I want to go back to sleep," Thalia said yawning and all of us laughed at her.
"Hey! I like my sleep!" She said stretching sleep.
"Come on we should go to sleep to," I said to Percy and we said bye to Phoebe and Thalia. I snapped my fingers and thought of a really comfy sleeping bag that was warm with bedding.
"There you go," I said to Percy walking over to my bed
"Wait! At least draw a curtain so you can have your privacy," he said and I died at the fact that he cares about me having privacy. I smiled at him and snapped my fingers.
"Good night Percy," I said slipping into my pyjamas and sliding into my bed. I forgot to close the curtain so I saw Percy slipping his clothes off and sliding into his sleeping bag. I blushed at his 8 pack.
"Good night Artemis, remember the duel today," he said and I smirked as he was gonna win. I will kick his ass.

Word Count : 1845

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