Chapter 1

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  Percy's PoV

I tossed and turned in my sleeping bag, I stifled a scream. Tears leaked out from my eyes, I stifled another scream, I lashed out at someone coming near me.
"Ow! Wait Percy?" I heard a voice say far away, I wasn't able to stifle this scream. It was horrible I was reliving it all the torture and the day she broke me far beyond breaking point.
"No! Please! Stop! MAKE IT STOP! Don't do it!I'M SORRY ANNABETH!!" I screamed

"Oh my god! Percy!" Someone shook me, I screamed and opened my eyes, I pushed them away and crawled into a corner. I rocked back and forwards. Holding my knees, sobbing.
"Please! S-Stop! No! A-Annabeth! Why?" I kept muttering, tears pouring out of my eyes.
"Hey, hey, it's ok," She put her arms around me. I instantly started to calm, her warm embrace was enough to keep me calm. I shakily took a few breaths.
"I-I'm sorry-y," I stuttered, trying not to to meet her eyes
"No, Percy it's not your fault," she said gently, rubbing my back. She put her hand underneath my chin so that I had to look at her.
"I'll always be here," she said gazing into my eyes.

"I-I think you deserve to know the truth, all of i-it," I shakily said
"Are you sure? I don't want to push you," she said pure concern in her eyes
"I'm fine," I said, she was always here for me, she deserved to what happened to me, turning my gaze away.
"Alright go on then," she said as I looked up into her sliver eyes again. Pure concern mixed with curiosity.
"It started like this Artemis...." I trailed off

************** Flashback*****************

I had just went to Olympus to ask Athena permission to marry her daughter, Annabeth. My whole world rotates around her, cheesy I know. We were meeting in a park where we would then watch a film and go back to the beach at camp half-blood and that's where I would propose to her. I was reciting the speech for the proposal to Annabeth when I walked into something, more like, someone.
"Watch where you'r- Oh it's you seaweed brain," Annabeth said, smiling more like smirking. Why was she smirking she never smirks. Somethings wrong.
"What's up? Wise girl," I said, grabbing her hips and pulling her in. She pushed me away. Just before our lips connected, aw what a tease!
"Gotta catch me!" She shouted running off, giggling. I shook my head and ran off after her.
"Come back here, wise girl," I shouted after her

She stopped and walked onto pathway I never noticed before. I swear this pathway never existed. As she stepped on a pathway, cracks appeared, wherever she put her feet there the was a new crack each time more deeper.
"Annabeth!" I shouted running at her. She judo into the new hole in the ground that had just appeared. What in the hell of Hades was going on?! Annabeth landed gracefully like the ground caught her. But I just fell straight down, bones cracking. I winced. And groaned in pain.
"Oof! Argh!" I hissed

"There he is!" I heard an evil ancient voice say that I hadn't heard in a while, Gaia.
"Well done Annabeth!" A high pitched voice said
"Thanks Abyss," Annabeth said
"Annabeth? What's going on?" I said confused, as she locked eyes with someone and laughed
"I ask you once again! Will you join us?" I heard a voice, Kronos.
"Never! Not now and not ever Kronos!" I shouted, Annabeth betrayed me? What?! Not possible.
"Well you bought this upon yourself!" Someone said as two people picked my arms up. I thrashed.
"No! Annabeth! Help me! You can't do this! I loved you!" I shouted at Annabeth.
"Sadly, I do kinda love your stupid seaweed brain, as you fell for this, you'll come in handy, don't worry I have a lot in store for you, especially you," she said smirking evilly
"I held the sky for you! I jumped in Tartarus for you! I loved you!" I screamed back at her, kicking and thrashing even more. We were walking along somewhere and I didn't like it.
"Ha! I can't believe I loved you!  Tartarus and Gaia showed me who I really am and I'm so happy they did! I'll have fun torturing the hero of Olympus!" She said enthusiastically, I paled at that. I loved her. She was the I would of died for but I guess not.
"Little hero, I will be back, I have some business to tend to," Gaia said
"What business?" Tartarus Asked
"Trying to keep Apollo and Artemis alive," Gaia said
"What?!" I shouted, no matter how much I hated Apollo's haikus he didn't deserve that. And I didn't even know what was happening to them.
"Shut up! Alright, keep them alive to see Perseus getting tortured and then we'll send them back to Olympus with the information about Perseus," Tartarus said, Gaia nodded in understanding as she faded into the earth.

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