Chapter 29

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3rd PoV

"So, is there any special type of caravan you'd like? Soundproof for thos-" Percy cut the worker off
"Wait what are you trying to imply?" Percy raised an eyebrow
"Oh, well you do know it's obvious all couples have sex, I mean it's not like you can hide it," the worker leaned forward and whispered into his ears

Artemis blushed furiously and so did Percy. She glanced at him. Artemis restrained Percy from strangling the poor worker.

"Okay," Percy said "Name?!"
"Oh, Dylan," Dylan said
"You can do that with others but not with me, Okay?" Percy said
"Yes, Alright So we have this machine here that can give you the options, you can flick through that," Dylan said showing them to a machine

"Thank you." Artemis said, Dylan walked away muttering "Stupid overprotective boyfriends!"

Percy turned and glared at him. "She's my girl, don't try to take to her because I will kill you, and you know it." Percy eyes drastically changed colour from sea green to blackish red and then back to sea green.

Artemis slapped his arm and Dylan walked away muting curses under his breath.

"Come on let's get this over and done with," Artemis clicked a button on the screen "I have a bad feeling about this place,"


"Wait! No! You skipped it!"
"Wait can we get that one?"
"Oooh, that's fancy,"
"Hey, I like that colour."
"Can we get this over with?"
"Hurrrryyyyyyy uppppppppppp!"
"This is boring!"
"Urgh! I don't like this anymore!"
"Get this over and done with,"

Artemis had to deal with Percy's moaning and groaning for more than and hour as she was actually trying to see what this place had. At first he was just moaning about how cool some stuff looked. Then he was was being annoying, well isn't he always?


Artemis sighed, finally silence. Peaceful silence. No more annoying sounds. But wait-

Artemis swished round in and effort to see if he had been kidnapped. Percy dropped to the floor fast. Artemis just missed him. She slowly turned around in case he was playing a prank. She grabbed her dagger at her waist, making sure it was still there. Thank the gods it still was.

Artemis's eyes traveled back to the screen, she jumped back, her arms failed to save her as they were still at her waist. She fell back hitting her back against the wall. Artemis slouched down and took a breath. Fucking Percy nearly gave her heart attack.

Percy clutched his stomach and rolled forward onto his side. He closed his eyes remembering the look on Artemis's face. He spluttered out spit and laughed his head off.

Artemis stood up and clenched her fists, she should of never agreed to go on this quest, all just because of a stupid shadow lord!
"PERSEUS JACKSON!" Artemis raged

Percy didn't actually acknowledge what she had said and how she had said it, he finally sat up. Glancing upwards he saw Artemis's face.

Moving backwards he gulped. Well then he was fucked.

"Hey, you can't exactly kill me, can you?" Percy twisted himself carefully so he stood up not loosing a second of Artemis's gaze.

"Oh I can and I will." She cracked her knuckles.

Artemis grabbed Percy by the hair, she pulled him towards the screen. Percy struggled against her grip, it was tight but it was more frustrating.

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