The One Where They Missed the Mission

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Delta's POV:

We were in the lab, waiting for Adam, Bree, and Chase to get back from a mission. We could hear when they got back, because they came in the room cheering.

"Great work, flawless execution, now that is how you lead a mission." Davenport complimented.

"Why thank you!" Chase said.

"I was talking about me."

"Of course he was." I nodded. "But every olympic podium needs a bronze and a silver so..."

"Woo-hoo! I medaled!" Adam said, hitting Davenport so hard that he went flying against the wall.

"Don't look at us! You're the one who gave super strength to a box of rocks." Bree told Davenport.

"Hey guys." Leo greeted as he walked in the lab, not acknowledging Davenport. "How'd the mission go?"

"Great! We fixed the Pentagon's communication system and returned it to orbit." Bree chirped.

"We even rigged it so we get every TV channel in the world." Chase informed. "Who wants to watch Guatemala drag racing?"

"Did my suggestions come in handy on the mission?"

"What suggestions?"

"I did a on of strategic research and gave it to Big D."

"Oh right, I'm sorry Leo, I didn't have time to use it."

"Yes you did, you spilled your coffee and used Leo's research to mop it up." Adam spoiled.

"You used my suggestions as a sponge?"

"More like a paper towel...but it was very absorbent! Why don't you guys go clear out the rest of your gear."

Deciding to give Davenport and Leo privacy, we headed onto school.

We were walking down the stairs, laughing at Zadie who had just fallen.

"It's not funny." She said, as she was also laughing.

"Hold it." Perry said into a mega phone from behind us. "You three missed school yesterday. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but it's been happening way too much lately. Look at this attendance report."

"You still keep paper records? You know we have computers and indoor plumbing, and fires." Chase responded.

"Do you really wanna poke the bear?"

"Do you really wanna use that analogy?" Leo asked.

"Shut it, Dooley! I've been working out; don't make me flex my guns. You three are in big trouble."

"Oh, actually we're not. We have a note from our dad. He signed it and everything."

"With his name."

"Oh, well I'm sorry, my bad. That changes absolutely...nothing!" Perry then ripped up the letter. "Just because your dad lets you cut school, doesn't mean I have to. Someone has to be the disciplinarian. It's like I tell my cats..." She then made a noise. A noise that I don't wanna hear again. "See you in detention!"

"Great, we miss school for a mission and get punished." Chase complained. "This isn't fair."

"No, it really isn't." Leo seemed sympathetic. Seemed. "Well, you guys have fun."

"Gotta get to class, see you guys later." I said, as Zadie and I walked off to our class. "So, wanna do something after school? You know, since they have detention."

"Can't. I have detention too."

I laughed. "Zadie, what did you do to get detention for the sixth time this month?"

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