The One With the Llama

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A/N: Okay, so I absolutely love llamas and alpacas so I was super excited to write this chapter. Okay that's all. Please enjoy.

Zadie's POV:

Delta and I were working on homework in the lab before school. Adam picked up a flask and asked, "Hey, can I use this? I need a place to store my toe nail clippings."

"You save your toenails?" Leo asked the question we were all thinking.

"Of course. They're nature's tooth picks." He answered.

"Nope, definitely not kissing you today, or maybe ever again." Delta said, totally grossed out.

"Del, you don't even wanna know what he flosses with." Bree cringed.

"You really don't."

"Hey, get away from that. It's not empty." Chase said, running over and taking the flask out of Adam's hands. "There are thousands of metallic nanobots in here."

"Well, then why can't I see them?"

"Because they're microscopically small." Chase answered.

"But you're microscopically small, and I can still see you."

"Nanobots are so tiny, they're invisible to the human eye. Here, I'll show you." Chase grabbed a pair of glasses. "Put these on."

"Whoa." Adam said, looking closely at the flask.

"They function like mini doctors inside the human body. When patients swallow them, they can destroy any disease or foreign matter." Chase explained.

"If they had these in Grey's Anatomy, half of them would still be alive." Delta mumbled to me.

"I got a tennis ball and a mini Statue of Liberty somewhere in my gut." Adam patted his stomach. "Time to swallow a search party." Adam picked up the flask and looked as though he was about to drink it.

"Adam, no! Those are valuable." Chase told him.

"Come on, guys. We don't want to step on broken glass." Bree told Delta, Leo, and I.

"What broken glass?" Leo asked as we looked over to Adam and Chase who were arguing over the flask and pulling it back and forth between the two of them. Bree was right. Two seconds later, there was broken glass in front of the cyber desk.

"Right." Leo nodded, and followed Bree.

"Aw, man. Those guys sure do run fast." Adam said, looking through the glasses.

"If we lose these, Mr. Davenport will kill us. Great. Once again I have to clean up your mess." Chase said, frustrated.

"Hey, dude, I got this. I'll just grab a paper towel and pick them up." Adam walked right through the nanobots.


"Yeah, you're right. Better get the vacuum instead." Adam turned the other way, and walked through them again.


"I hear ya. Better grab the mop." And for the third time, Adam walked right through the nanobots.

So, I think we finally got the nanobots cleaned up, but to be honest, I wouldn't know. We went to school and saw the mascot standing in the middle of the hall.

"Why is Dewey the Dingo standing in the middle of the hallway?" Chase asked.

"Uh, I don't know, but I think it means we get six more weeks of winter." Adam responded.

The lights went off, and there was a flashlight that went from one side of the room to the other. "Ladies and gentlemen, introducing your principal, a four foot eleven spitfire, Terry Perry." Perry ran out of her office giving some students high fives. "Just thought I'd spice up the morning announcements. Going back to my days of playing ball in Romania. here ya go, kid. Souvenir." She tossed a guy her head band. "I'm sure you're all wondering why Dewey the Dingo is here. Every year before the big homecoming game against the Deer Field High leaping llamas, some punk manages to steal Dewey. No matter where I put it, they always find a way to get it."

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