The One Where Trent Gets Schooled

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Delta's POV:

Zadie, Adam, Bree, Leo, and I were sitting at on of the cafeteria tables when Principal Perry walked in and greeted, "Morning, puke puddles." Wow, she just has the nicest touch in the morning. "Tomorrow is 'yearbook photo day', and while I'm not sure why anyone would want a record of this awkward phase of your lives-" She looked at a student and cringed. "I'll be your photographer. Oh, and don't blink 'cause homie don't do retakes!" She laughed.

"Did she just say, homie?" Zadie asked, turning around back to her food.

"Well, that settles that. I am so getting my hair done right after school." Bree stated.

"Ooh, I'm going too. Don't forget." Zadie added.

"Oh, can you two bring me back some clippings off the floor?" Adam asked. "I need 'em to finish building my Taj Mahair." He set a miniature version of one of the world wonders on the table, except it was made out of hair.

"Where did all of that hair come from?" Bree asked, clearly not exactly wanting to know.

"Pets, shower drains, brushes-if you want it, you can get it."

"Well, that is disgusting." Bree stated.

"If you think that's gross, wait until you see his 'Buckinghair Palace'." I told her.

"Why are you so concerned about a stupid yearbook photo?" Leo asked, as Chase walked up to the table looking over Zadie's shoulder at the yearbook.

"I am still trying to live down last year's picture when I wasn't ready for the flash and my eyes glitched." We all cringed when we saw Bree's blackened-eye picture.

"Bree, your zombie picture was the least of the problems with the yearbook." Zadie told her.

"Yeah, Perry photo-bombed every group picture: drama club, cheerleaders, swim team..." Chase started, but Leo pried the book out of their hands.

"No, no, no! None of us need to see that again." He yelled.

The bell rang and Chase, Leo, and I went out in the hallway to walk to our next class together to see Trent and his band of football-figureheads playing ball.

"Move thirty two! Hut! Hut!" A boy yelled, tossing the ball to Trent.

"Trent, what are you doing?" Chase asked.

"Using football practice as an excuse to knock over innocent bystanders." He answered.

"But it's not even football season." I told him.

"True, but it's always tackling season." He responded, throwing the ball to Leo. "Heads up!" Oof, the whole team dog-piled on Leo, leaving him at the bottom. The team got off and Trent walked over and extended a hand to Leo who was still on the ground.

"Yeah, right. I'm not falling for that." Leo stated, glaring at Trent.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm only being nice 'cause I need something." Leo took Trent's hand and was helped off the ground. "You guys are gonna help me pass my history test."

"You don't even take history. The only class you have left is physics." Chase told him.

"And since when do you care about taking tests?" I asked him.

"There is a lot about me you don't know. I have many layers. I am very dense."

"Hm, yes. Yes, you are." I smiled. He walked himself right into that one.

"Look, Perry said I can't fail again."

"Oh, but you can. It's kind of your thing." Chase told him.

"Come on, there's gotta be some kind of trick.Like what's that thing you do that makes you pass tests?"

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