The One Where They Leave

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Zadie's POV:

I woke up and something felt different. I felt weird. I brushed off the feeling and started getting ready for school as I normally do. I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, put on makeup, and walked downstairs to meet Chase.

Okay, that 'weird feeling' got worse throughout the day. And after puking in the bathroom a few times, I decided it wasn't a 'weird feeling' anymore. Leo had already gone home because he wasn't feeling grand either. I absolutely hate being sick. I didn't tell Delta though because I didn't feel like driving home.

My last class was history with Mrs. Thistle. I always sat in the back with Bree so we could fall asleep in class without being easily caught, but to be honest, Mrs. Thistle didn't care. At the end of the hour, Bree nudged me in the side, waking me up.

"Z, you've been asleep, drooling all class."

I groggily looked at her. "Oh, did I miss anything?"

"Do you really care?" She laughed.

"No." I answered, putting my head back down on the desk.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"No." I mumbled into the desk. "I think I'm sick."

"Well, come on then. Let's go home." She picked up her backpack. I moved my head to where I was still laying on the desk, but I was looking at her. "I'll get your backpack." I then slowly got up and walked down the stairs along with Bree. "I'm so glad school's over! Ms. Thistle talked for an hour in history. I mean, she's 90. Does she really need to waste all that breath?" I walked over to Chase and leaned my full weight on his left side, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Z, you okay?" He asked.

"Pretty sure I'm dying."

"Okay, then." I felt him nod his head before going on to ask, "What's all this?" and drawing our attention to the doorway. It was the lunch ladies, and they were using a hand metal detector wand on every student that was leaving.

"Listen up, frogspawn! Security check. Put all metal objects in the bucket and proceed to the wands for a more thorough search." Perry announced.

"Principal Perry, what's going on?" Delta asked.

"Somebody's been stealing computers from the computer lab and I'm gonna bust the perp...or perps. Bottom line, nobody leaves this school without going through those metal detectors."

"So, why not just search our backpacks? D'you think we ate them or something." Delta sarcastically asked, crossing her arms.

"Del, don't be ridiculous. You can't eat a computer. Now, the mouse, that's a different story." Adam told her, causing her to look at him with semi-concerned eyes.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sort through your loose change and have a little heart to heart with the vending machine." Perry walked off.

"Guys, we cannot get wanded. Those things will go off like crazy if they detect our bionics." Bree stated.

"Well, what are we going to do? She's totally going to bust us."  Chase added.

"Bust you for what? What are you hiding little bo peep?" Perry asked from behind us, causing us all to flinch.

"He's not hiding anything." I told her, monotonously without any facial expressions, and also standing up straight from leaning on Chase.

"You don't sound so good, Wesley. Nervous?" Perry questioned.

"Nervous? No. About to throw up? Probably." I stated, crossing my arms. Then, I got that feeling again. "Actually, that'd be a definite." I ran to the bathroom and threw up again.

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