The One With the Robot Fight Club

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Delta's POV:

I woke up to Zadie beating me with a pillow. Yeah, not the best way to wake up.

"Z, what do you want?"

"I got breakfast. Mostly 'cause I couldn't sleep and I was hungry."

After Zadie and I ate Dunkin' Donuts, we headed over to the Davenports. What's new? Today, however, they were dressed in karate uniforms. Zadie, Leo, and I used to do karate.

"Oh cool, karate. We used to do karate until we were asked not to come back." Zadie said.

"Why were you asked not to come back? I mean, it's kinda understandable, but why?" Davenport said.

"Leo broke his arm." Zadie answered.

"So, why did that effect you?" Chase asked.

"I was the one who broke it." Zadie said calmly. Davenport's phone then started to ring as he said, "I have to take this. It's about money. Which is not more important than you, but is a very close second." He then left the lab.

"Hey Adam, attack me." Chase told his brother.

"Okay, your face is weird, your hair is stupid, you're too short..."

"I meant hit me."

"Okay, good 'cause that was gonna be a really long list."

"Chase, I know I'm supposed to be a supportive girlfriend, but Adam's Goliath and you're David." Zadie admitted.

"Yeah, Zadie's right. Adam is ten times stronger than you."

"Doesn't matter. With Iketo, a weak opponent can defeat a much stronger one."

"Oh, but what if the weaker one fits neatly into an overhead storage bin?" Adam asked. "I'm talking about you."

"Just hit me." Chase finished. Adam went to attack Chase, but Chase flipped Adam. I have to admit, it was impressive.

"Whoa, never mind what I said. You go babe." Zadie cheered.

"And that's all you need to know about Iketo."

"Oh, I get it." Bree said before flipping Chase.

"Bree, that's not Iketo."

"Really? My bad." Bree said, as she did a hand shake with Adam. I decided to follow Adam and Bree upstairs because Adam and I were going out to lunch today. Kinda like a mini date.

Zadie's POV:
I was walking over to Chase to help him up off of the ground and Leo walked in. "Chase, I need your help. The annual Mission Creek robot throw down is coming up."

"Leo, for the last time, I'm not a robot; I'm a man." I looked to Chase and just nodded. "One day I'll be a man."

"I'm not talking about you. It's a competition where remote controlled robots fight to the death." Leo explained. "Here, take a look."

"Leo, that's cool and all, but I've got way better things to do than-" Chase was cut off by Leo.

"The grand prize is $500."

"And I'm in."

"Ooh, can I be like the coach who massages the shoulders of the boxers before they fight?" I asked, Leo looked to me oddly.



"Who's that guy?" Chase said, motioning back to the video.

"Kevin Stone. That smug jerk wins every year. He thinks he's so much better than me." Leo complained.

"Sounds like he is better than you."

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