The One With the Avalanche

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Zadie's POV:

As always, Delta and I were hanging out with Davenport while we waited for Adam, Bree, and Chase to return from their mission. They got back and Davenport greeted them by saying, "Great job, you guys! You saved that island from the biggest tropical storm in decades."

"And lucky for you, I brought home this whole bag of hairy fruit." Adam said, holding up a bag of coconuts.

"Fruit Gang!" Delta and I said, fist bumping.

"Yeah, just be happy I made him put the pelican back." Bree said.

"Oh my gosh, they need to be inducted into the Fruit Gang." Delta stated.

"They should." I gasped.

"I think Adam is a coconut."

"Yeah! I'm a coconut!" Adam said.

"Fruit Gang?" Bree asked.

"Yeah, it's what Leo, Delta, and I called our friend group. I'm a pineapple, courtesy to my grandma, Deli's a kiwi, and Leo's a watermelon."

"Ohh. So, do I get a fruit?"

"Ooh, what about an apricot?" Delta said.

"Okay." Bree laughed.

"Chase is lemon."

"A lemon?" He asked.

"Yeah, because you're sour...but I like them."

"Great. Thanks, Z."

"No problem." I smiled, as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Guys, that mission was the finest use of bionics to date. I think we can all agree that strength plus speed equals success." Davenport said. Hey! I have to disagree with that. Strength plus speed plus smarts equals success.

"Uh, excuse me. Let's not forget the mastermind behind this whole thing."

"Oh right, let's give it up for our fearless leader...Mr. Davenport!" Adam said, looking over Chase.

"What? No. I was talking about me." Chase said, motioning to himself. "I supervised the whole mission."

"Yeah, but I think we all know who did the heavy lifting. Look, I'll give you a hint: Starts with an 'A', ends with an 'M', there's a big 'da' in the middle." Adam said, earning odd looks from everyone. "Okay guys, it's me."

"Please, the real work happens up here." Chase scoffed as he pointed to his head.

"Chase, no offense, but your bionic brain is no match for our hustle..." Bree started.

"And muscle." Adam said from behind Bree, flexing his muscles.

"Oh, that's a great team name! Hustle, muscle and chu-u-stle... Don't worry, we'll find you an 'ustle'."

"I just get so tired of these two getting all of the attention because they have super speed and super strength. I never get any of the credit." Chase huffed. It was true. He doesn't get any praise at all.

"That is not true Chase, they just have a lot of flash, but you're the glue that holds that flash together, you're...flash glue." Davenport told him.

"I'm flash glue?" He asked.

"Hey, I think I figured it out. You're right Chase, the real work does happen up here." Adam gained our attention by cracking the coconut open on his head. Everyone had left the lab, leaving just Chase and I.

"They're always undermining me." He sighed. "I mean, flash glue?"

"Yeah, I know." I said, putting a hand on his back. "But your my flash glue." I smiled, as he smiled back.

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