The One Where Bree Got Pranked

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Zadie's POV:

I walked into the lab with Leo to find Adam typing something on the console, and Delta sitting at the cyber desk, working on homework. "Hey, what are you doing? You know you're not supposed to be on anything with buttons. And Del, you're supposed to make sure of that." Leo said.

"I'm pranking Chase for April fools." Adam informed.

"It's November." Leo deadpanned.

"He knows that." Delta said, continuing to work on her homework.

"Exactly, April's when people expect to be pranked, but if I do it today, wham! It's like a baby with a mustache, you don't see it coming."

"So, what's the prank?" I asked him. "Ugh, please don't be a smelly one."

"Uh, I rigged Chase's capsule so when he steps in, he'll be showered by 50 gallons of expired milk. Well, 49 gallons. I needed something for my cereal." Delta looked up from her homework and gave an odd look to Adam.

"Adam, are you feeling alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He shrugged, smiling.

"Yeah, you won't be later." She told him, going back to her work.

"Where did you even get 50 gallons of expired milk?" Leo asked.

"It doesn't come that way. You have to buy fifty gallons and wait." The lab doors began to open, and thinking it was Chase, Adam said, "Oh, here he comes. Act cool!"

"I don't need to act, it's in my blood, baby." Leo leaned against the desk.

It wasn't Chase, it was Bree. "Lemme guess. Pranking Chase again?"

"No...." Adam lied. "Yeah...."

"Adam, you're so immature." Bree told him.

"Eh, I've been called worse."

"Alright, well, I'm going to bed." She said, going for her capsule. "Del, Z, wake me up when I'm old enough to move out."

I smiled and nodded and Delta gave her a thumbs up, not looking up from her work. As soon as Bree's capsule door closed, fifty-no-forty-nine gallons of expired milk was dumped on her. Delta and I looked at her, and then to each other. "Oh...Chase's capsule is in the middle." Adam realized. Bree got out of her capsule and Delta, Leo, and I were helping her get the expired milk off of her. Delta and I were using towels to get it out of her hair, which wasn't easy.

"Well, it kinda helps that it's chunky?" Delta said, accidentally pulling Bree's hair along in the towel. "Ooh, sorry."

"Rigged the wrong capsule again, Adam?" Chase asked as he walked in the lab.

"Maybe..." Adam trailed off.

"What happened down here?" Davenport also walked in along with Tasha, smelling the expired milk stench. "Why does my lab smell like a locker room in a gym that only cows go to?"

"Aw, honey, who did this to you?" Tasha sympathized.

"Who do you think?" Bree motioned to Adam.

"Wow, ruining pranks and blaming others. Not making friends today are you, Bree?"

"Grandma Rose is visiting tomorrow and I want this behavior to stop. You three go get the cleaning supplies. Now." Tasha demanded Adam, Leo, and Chase.

"Grandma Rose? The last time she was here she touched my boobs." I stated.

"Yeah, that was kinda weird." Delta chimed in.

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