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I was shoved against my locker "hey pretty boy" the taller male smirked "Sehun leave me alone I don't have time for this" I sighed as I tried to push the younger away but failed, no one was in the hallway, nor in school but the kids in detention, I was pressed further into the locker "

Sehun! ah there you are!" Sehun let me go causing me to fall to the ground he turned around as me and the purple haired male made eye contact "go before you get in more trouble" he told him as Sehun walked away

he crouched down helping me up to my feet "thanks"I said the air around us was awkward "of course also sorry about him he doesn't know his boundarys" the purple haired laughed yelling the last part "its fine really anyway I have to go see you around!" I said walking away

I turned around and saw him following me "Jae!" I stopped at the doors "You dropped this I'm assuming your name is Jae since thats what it says on the paper" He said scratching the back of his neck, "I'm Brian by the way" I stared blankly at him, blinking as if I was confused "I have to go" I said again before walking away

I unlocked the door to my house putting my backpack on the ground Locking the door behind me, walking into the kitchen and getting some food and walking into my room and sitting on my bed

my phone kept buzzing

Joy_Full: Jae you can't keep crying over him
he left you
he cheated on you
he hurt you
you have to move on
we are here for you

Bunhyo: were here for you
I can't believe he cheated on you with that Dick tho
from what I heard they aren't even together

Byunhyun: hey hoes whats the haps

Ksyhsh: Baek wtf
not the time
nor place

Jaeschicken: im fine guys really:/ or at least I think I'm fine

Bunhyo: you think? babe its quite obvious that your not okay

Joy_Full: try and find someone new
theres alot of guys at our school who are sweet
but stay away from Brian
hes Sehuns friend and hes a playboy:/

Bunhyo:correction hes a fuckboy

Jaeschicken: Purple hair? already met him

Byunhyun:well shit have fun~
can't save you on this one sorry man

Bunhyo: yes him!
Baek stfu

Jaeschicken: I think hes in my science class I'm not sure
I never pay attention anyway

Kshhsh: Guys!!
Minah just asked me out?!

Bunhyo: Congrats no one cares

Ksyhsh:yeah Minah just asked me out
what do I say?

Bunhyo:I'd say yes if I were you!

MiSana:I read Minah and I'm here

Bunhyo: shit I forgot Sana was in this gc

MiSana:stfu Jihyo

Bunhyo: sorry😊 I don't take orders from a Lesbian

wait aren't you bisexual?

Bunhyo: gotta blast

MiSana: Yeah go to your gf

Bunhyo: For the last time me and Dahyun aren't dating

MiSana: *coughs* Yet

Bunhyo: fuck you

Jaeschicken: this made my day

MiSana: Jae Sweetie! how are you!

Jaeschicken: Im okay ig

MiSana: I hope your doing better
Hold up Momo texted me

Bunhyo: what is it this time

MiSana: My gf is a damn babe guys
I gtg Momo is almost here bye guys!
Fell better Jae

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