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The younger blonde jumped into Jaes arms the two smiled brightly "Brian have you met my sister?" I shook my head "didn't know you had one" he smiled and looked at the younger "Hanbi, this is my boyfriend Brian"

She smiled brightly "I KNOW YOU!!"

She smiled she must know me from Joys Instagram "Joy is pretty much like an older sister to her"

"The older sister she never had even though she has an older sister"

"You have two sisters?"

"Actually I have four"  he looked shocked "and i thought I had a lot of siblings" "you have one" "okay but her mood swings make her count as 7 people"

"Speaking of sisters where are they" Jae said excitedly as he looked over "wanna meet my sisters"

I couldn't help but say yes

Hanbi pulled me and Jae there where three other girls lined up all blonde but one girl, "uh this is Sumin, Chaewon and Jiwon"

Wow never thought I'd be meeting so many blondes

"Sumin is actually technically my step sister" "so Hanbi is the baby?" Hanbi looked over with a glare the rest laughed, I couldn't help but realize I recognized one of the girls, her brown hair seemed familiar to me, that's when I realized "Sumin?"

She looked up confused but with shock

Oh my god

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