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Brian Kang

we woke up our fingers intertwined, I smiled pressing a kiss on the back of his hand, he whined rolling over so he wasn't facing me, his hand was still in mine as I pulled him closer to me so his back was on my chest, I kissed the side of his head, burying my face in his hair

"Hyunnie" "yeah" I answered rolling the older over to look at me "how did I even get in your bed" he smiled "I brought you in here, carried you in here actually you were heavy so I brought you in here its not like you end up in here anyway most nights" "well yeah I knew I was in here last night but I remember going into my room in the middle of the night" he was wrapped in his and my comforter "well it looks like you crawled back in with me" I pinched his cheek smiling

"I like you"

"I like you too"

I was making food in the kitchen when I heard Jae scream and run into the kitchen hugging me from behind crying, I put the food on a different burner hugging him "are you okay why are you crying" I turned around taking his face in my hands he shook his head "theres a spider" he mumbled cutely tears still falling from his eyes

i chuckled at the sight "stop laughing its not funny" he whinned as I pecked his lips "im sorry angel you were just so adorable when you said that" I giggled bringing him into my arms "can you kill it" "What do I get out of it" I smirked as Jae pressed his lips on mine for a few seconds, I pulled away and pecked his lips again before walking into the livingroom

"Jae this is a halloween decoration" I laughed walking into the kitchen throwing it at him making him squeal and run across the kitchen to me making me land so we were laying down when I realized "wait we dont have fake spiders" I smiled looking at him "thats the point" he smirked "so you planned it? why" I asked wrapping my arms around him "because I wanted to see how much you cared about me anyway im not even scared of spiders" he smiled

"what are you scared of?" "I can't tell you" "why maybe I can protect you so you don't get scared" "because you can't protect me from you leaving me like my ex did" I went silent

"I'm not going to leave you, I'm not going to cheat on you with your friend then get with someone half way through our relationship then break your heart I wouldn't ever do that to you... I promise" I didn't realize I was crying until Jae wiped a tear from the side of my eye "don't cry" he whispered as a tear rolled down his face "please it'll just make me cry" his voice cracked, I sat up pressing my lips on his for a few seconds

"I only like you I've never been so.. into someone your perfect for me and you've gone through alot which I want you to forget okay please try for me" I smiled resting a hand on his cheek "I like you alot" I smiled kissing his forehead, letting the older soon fall asleep in my arms on the kitchen floor

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