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about 2 weeks later

I was at Brians hanging out, watching TV "can you hang out friday we need to talk" I asked the younger as he nodded "I always have time for you" he smiled when ny phone buzzed

Joy_Full: @phjkyhexposed

"Brian" I said showing him my phone "what the fuck" he whispered taking my phone scrolling through the countless pictures of me and Brian together "how did... Jihyo" I whispered

Jaeschicken: Explain yourself

Bunhyo: wdym

Joy_Full: uh.. what is happening

KsyHosh: shhh just let it happen


Jaeschicken: Jihyo explain yourself

Bunhyo: again wdym

Jaeschicken: really explain this acc

Bunhyo: thats not me

Jaeschicken: pictures say otherwise
most of those were taken in my house!

Bunhyo: ........

Joy_Full: well shit

Byunhyun: fuck wow

Jaeschicken: what ever happened to respecting peoples privacy Jihyo!

Ksyhosh: Jae..

Bunhyo: .... im sorry

Jaeschicken: are you really?! goddammit Jihyo I trusted you

Ksyhosh: Jae fucking shut up

Joy_Full:Im sorry Hosh but I've gotta take Jaes side on this one Jihyo invated his and Brians privacy

Byunhyun: yeah thats to far Jihyo

Ksyhosh: Everyone stfu!

Byunhyun: why are you sticking up for her!

Jaeschicken: she invaded mine and Brians privacy my fucking lockscreen is on there!

Byunhyun:okay Jae your lockscreen is really cute though

Jaeschicken: Thats not the point!

Ksyhosh: Jae shut the fuck up!

Joy_Full: how abt you stfu I bet you helpped her with the acc Hosh

Ksyhosh: ........

Jaeachicken: wow what a friend you are

Bunhyo: quit being a dick head Jae

Joy_Full: what did he do?! you should stop being a bitch

(A/N Jihyo is my bias this is killing me rn okay i love Jihyo will all my gay heart)

Bunhyo: why are you taking his side!

Joy_Full: Because you and Soonyoung invated his privacy by making that account and posting those pictures! what you did was just to fucking far Jihyo!

Bunhyo: I didn't invade his privacy

Joy_Full: So posting pictures of Him and Brian Kissing and Holding hands isn't invading someones privacy? really Jihyo!

Byunhyun: its to far what you did

Bunhyo: its not invading someones privacy

Joy_Full: There are screenshots of his and Brians chats on there Videos of them

Bunhyo: ......

Jaeschicken: Jihyo do me a favor
Don't talk to me ever again
I don't trust you or Soonyoung anymore

Bunhyo: so your just going to throw away almost 10 years of friendship for some guy

Jaeschicken: yes and also because your a bitch
you invated mine and Brians privacy
I don't trust you anymore
Goodbye Jihyo

Bunhyo:Jae... please

Joy_Full: Nah bitch you messed up big time


Brian hugged me "10 years Brian 10 years I've known those two" I said "you have me, Joy and Baekhyun you can trust remember that" He smiled pressing a kiss on my forehead bringing me down so we laid down on the bed "you need to sleep" he whispered turning off the T.V with a smile "you have me"

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