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2 days before XMas eve

I cuddled up against the younger male "you're really the most precious person I have ever met" he said quietly "stop" I whined smiling as I pressed my face into the his chest


"Chrismas is in 3 days" he whispered wrapping his arms around my waist making me smile "Yeah I know I got your present" "I've already got it" I  turned around giving him a confused look "my present is right infront of me" he whispered pecking my lips "you're my present angel" I flushed at the petname "a-angel?" "yes your my angel" he smiled letting me rest my head on his chest

"new years eve I'm taking you out on a date" Brian said from the kitchen making me smile, I laid down on the couch and wrapped myself in a blanket while watching tv

Brian Kang

I walked out of the kitchen with two cups of Cocoa in my hand awing at the sight infront of me, Jae asleep wrapped up in a blanket, smiling i walked over to him placing the two hot cups down in the dinning room "angel" I whispered playing with his pink hair, laughing to myself as he whined for me to stop "Angel~" I sang quietly pressing a kiss on his head, I watched his eyes flutter open to look at me as I got up walking into the dinning room and grabbing the Hot Cocoa's bringing them into the livingroom

Jae was cuddled up to me, a blanket wrapped around us, I looked down at the adorable sight of Jae asleep with his head resting on the chest, I smiled turning off the tv contemplating whether or not I should wake up the older or carry him to bed, he looked so peaceful so I decided to try and pick him up bridal style which ended up waking him "go back to sleep" I whispered kissing his forehead

I laid him down on the bed carefully with a smile, before crawling in next to him, I didn't expect him to wrap myself around me making me smile I opened my eyes to look at him he was smiling

"Jae you truly are the most precious person ever" I whispered as he pressed his lips on mine my eyes fluttered shut as Jae wrapped his arms around my neck, my back was against the bed frame, our lips moving in sync, my arms snaked around his waist pulling him onto my lap (a/n this isn't smut i promise) Jae turned his head deepening the kiss, my hands rested on his cheeks as I broke away from the kiss

he unwrapped his arms from around my neck as I smiled looking into his eyes, I took one of my hands off his cheek, and rubbed my thumb on his cheek with the one still there, the silence was comfortable I leaned in, his eyes flutter shut as I pressed my lips back onto his for a second before pulling away again

"Jae I.." I trailed off making him smile "I really like you and I wouldn't ever hurt you or let anyone hurt you, you mean everything to me" I told him with a smile, he smiled wider with tinted pink cheeks that matched his hair "I really like you two and you already know that but I'm still.." he stopped "I know I understand but I just want you to know I don't like anyone more than I like you no one can beat you in how much you mean to me because honestly you mean more than the world to me and I will wait for you until your ready for a relationship.. a serious one" I said softly still smiling as kissing his cheek

"I just want you to know Brian that I am more than comfortable with you and I do trust you more than anyone"

the reason Jae and Brian aren't together yet is bc Jae is still recovering from his last relationship..

Jae is comfortable enough with Brian tho to do couple-ly things with him though

I have something planned though~

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