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I sat down in my regular seat in English "Jae and Younghyun the principal would like to see you" The teacher said I looked over at Brian

"Hyunnie" I whispered as we talked out of the classroom, he took my hand intertwining our fingers he looked over at me giving me a smile

we walked into the office and sat down "a couple students said they saw you walk out of school yesterday" I just sat there, not saying anything, spacing out "yes we understand" I heard Brian say

we both stood up, walking out of the office "so we have to do detention next week.." Brian said as he pulled me into the bathrooms "can you hang out after school" I nodded as he pulled me into a hug "I'm sorry" "again why are you apologizing you didn't do anything wrong" I said intertwining out fringer again "looks like you two are enjoying yourselves" Hoshi said "leave us alone okay" "you guys are in the bathroom you know" I just ignored him "be honest are you two just friends" "we're just friends Hoshi" Brian said tightening his grip around my waist before letting me go "lets go Jae" he said walking out me following him, holding hands
"hey wanna go get ice cream" he said taking my hand as Jihyo jusy glared at us "take a picture it lasts longer" I said as we walked away "Jihyo saw us last night" "and..." "I don't see why she hates you" I said resting ny head in his shoulder "im an asshole thats why" "your not an asshole your actually quite sweet" I said as we parked

we sat across from eachother, once again stealing glances from eachother "Jae look at me" Brian said, I look up at the purple haired male "you have some ice cream on your lip" I went to go wipe it off but Brian grabbed my hand setting it down as ge wiped my lip off with his thumb, for some reason my heart did this thing, the next thing I knew Brian stole some of my ice cream "Hey!" I whined making him laugh "here" he said giving me some of his ice cream

he dropped me off at my house "here I realized I never gave you my number" he said taking my phone and putting in his number


"Really" "well thats my nicknane ain't it" He smiled handing me my phone "I hope you like your new wallpaper" he winked before walking off, it was him, I looked over at him as he got in the car "I hate you!" I yelled as he laughed driving off, I walked into the house

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