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Jae Park

I was cuddling the older, my face burried in his side, the constant whispers if I love yous and complements made me smile more than I normally do

I don't think I realized how in love I was

"Babe" his voice husky from sleep I looked up at him, his purple hair poking out in random directions, he looked so cute "school starts next week and tomorrow is new years eve" I nodded "I wanna dye my hair a different color black maybe" He whispered rubbing my back, I snuggled my face into his chest a little bit before responding "do what ever you'd like" I mumbled

"Angel" "yeah" "I love you more than anything you know" I smiled "yeah I know"

God was I in love

His smile, his voice, his laugh, his everything, the pet names, kisses and Cuddles made me fall for him more than I already was, I couldn't help it, he made me happy

He always told me, I was his everything, he loved me more than anything

Stuff I was always told by my ex's which i stopped believing

But I believe him


Because he waited for me, saved me from his friend who happened to be the kid who always tried to get with me

He always kept his promises with me and always reminded me that he loved me

I was like the only person on earth to him and he was for me, I'd probably be lost without him to be honest

Thats why I can't help but fall for him more and think I am the luckiest person alive to have him

I was his angel and he was my halo

Because an angel isn't an angel without it's halo

Because of Brian

I've smiled more

And fell in love

With the right person

Because if the person is willing to wait for you

They are the one

And Brian

He was the one

I don't care what people say

So what if I like the bad boys with a soft beautiful heart, because sometimes bad boys treat you better than others because they will do anything to keep you

"Do you think we'll get married" "yes"

I smiled

"I do too"

He handed me a box

"It's a promise ring" I smiled again as he put the ring on me

I held my hand in his pressing my lips on his

A soft kiss filled with love, pure sweet love, a love I've never experienced, is this what true love was like?

I don't mind being love if this is what it feels like

Soft chapter

Hey! Im back lmao yeah

But like I've been really !!! Lately because im kinda in love right now

And I'm lowkey 60% sure he may like me to so *dies* ugh I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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