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listen to the song while reading please!

the younger hovered over me "Hey" he giggled moving my hair out of my face, I stared at him blankly because I didn't know what to do, a small smile formed though "your smile is so beautiful you know" he smiled back making me sit up, my face flushed red, I pressed my face into the pillow behind me, I couldn't stop smiling, I felt the bed dip down next to me "why are you suddenly so shy" he lifted my head out from the pillow "ah Hyung your so cute when your flustered!" he squealed pinching my cheeks and for some reason my heart fluttered

You and Brian are both gone
fuck you what the hell!
Where are you two!

ksyhosh: yeah where are you two we've looked everywhere
Jae are you and Brian dating!

Bunhyo: god I hope not

Jaeschicken: would you two calm down we aren't dating!

Bunhyo: sure seems like it!
I saw you two holding hands eariler

Jaeschicken: okay and we didn't want to get lost we aren't dating!

Ksyhosh:ha wow this morning you two were getting all touchy with each other
what did he even whisper in you ear huh

Jaeschicken: "Meet me by the gates of the school after 6th period so we can work on out project"

Bunhyo: then where are you two someone said they watched you walk out with him jfc your skipping class to be with him aren't you!
read 10:48am


I puy down my phone looking over at the younger with a smile, he smiled back "sorry" he whispered "why are you apologizing?" "because your friends are getting mad at you" "they're just being over dramatic its not your fault" I smiled laying down "it feels nice to just relax instead of work" I sighed, the younger turning around to look at me "what do you wanna do" "relax watch a movie I don't know" I answered pulling him down so he was also laying down

time skip

it was getting dark as we laid down on the bed just talking about random shit "I really don't see how your single" he randomly blurted "my ex-boyfriend cheated on me with one of my friends then got in a relationship with someone else half way through our relationship" I said looking over at the male next to me "If you were my boyfriend I would cherish you, hold you close and never let you but thats if we were a couple" He said looking over at me

"god your eyes are beautiful" I blurted out of no where making us both laugh "I'm sorry that was so random" I smiled "you know Jae you look really fucking beautiful right now.. no homo" he flushed red at the last part, I smiled my facing going red "how do you say something like that then just say no homo tho" I laughed rolling over into my side when Jihyo called my phone,I sighed sitting up

"yo whats up Hyo"
"uh Dahyun and me got into a fight and I was wondering if I can stay at you place"
"Go ahead I'll be home around 8:30 im at Brians working on our project"
"No later then 9 please"
"again with acting like my mom well I have to go bye Hyo" I said hanging up the phone
Brian drove me home, stealing glances from eachother, smiling each time we'd catch the other, we pulled up into the drive way "I'll walk you to your door" he smiled getting out of the car and opening my door, I looked up at him as I got out of the car, walking me up to the door, I smiled as we got up to the door

I don't even fully recall what happened but I do know Brians lips were soft, my hand rested on his cheek I smiled pulling away "I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled walking inside "we aren't dating my ass Jae" Jihyo said as soon as I walked in "we really aren't dating" I said turning around to face her "Then what was that I just witnessed out there! you two just fucking kissed and you tell me you two aren't dating" she smirked "we aren't dating!" I yelled walking up the stairs and into my room

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