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I sat next to Brian, I smiled looking at the younger, the teacher was out for a half hour "you know this isn't as bad ad I thought it would be" "why is that" because you're here with me "I don't know actually" I smiled "I think I know why" "why?" "Me" he smiled damn you're right  I smiled back resting my head on the table

we spent the rest of the time just not doing anything, but as soon as we walked out we went to Brians to hang out

I laid down on his bed "getting comfy I see" he joked sitting down next to me, I moved my head so I was on his lap "im tired" his hand moved to my hair, he played with my hair, soon falling asleep

I woke up my face buried in his neck "awe your awake" he said with a smile, I grabbed my phone and saw he changed my lockscreen to me cuddling him, him kissing my forehead and I was smiling "you smile in your sleep you know" I flushed red "yeah i know" I stared at the picture

"you know it isn't a good idea to have your password your birth year" He smiled ruffling my hair "How did you-" "I've seen you type your password in plus you've told me" I facepalmed goddamnit Jae you should have known that

"do you wanna stay here or go home" I just shrugged "I should probably go back to my place Jihyo has been staying there since her and Dahyun got into a fight" I said opening Instagram "you changed my profile pic..." I said when I realized what picture it was

I got home I didn't ask if he wanted to hang out I just pulled him inside "Hey Hyo" "why is he here" she said sighing I just glared at her as I pulled him upstairs "sure Jae I'd love to hang out" he giggled making me smile "Theres something about you Brian that makes me happy" I admitted looking over at him with a smile as I opened my door

I woke up next to Brian, his arms wrapped around me I smiled "wake up" I poked him, which to my surprise woke him up "well good morning" his voice was deep as he removed one of his hands from around me "you look really pretty in the morning" he smiled "now tell me you come here often" he winked playfully I smacked his arm softly "Good you two are up! I made breakfast because yall kinda looked cute and comfy so I didn't wake you two up" "why are you being nice all of a sudden" I asked sitting up "just come eat your fucking breakfast before I smack you" she said walking out

"Jae what even is your profile pic on Instagram" Jihyo asked, I picked up my phone showing her my lockscreen "and you tell me you two aren't dating" "we aren't" Brian and I said at the same time "then explain why you guys were cuddling, why you guys kissed, hold hands, I bet Brians wallpaper and lockscreen is you, your wallpaper and lockscreen is him and you two cuddling, his name on your phone is Hyunnie with a fucking heart after it, you two are always together for petes sake explain that" we both went quiet "explain why you hate Brian so much what has he done to you!" "I fucking like you Jae I can't stand seeing you be all cuddly and touchy with him!" she confessed before covering her mouth and running off "well shit" I said looking over at Brian "I should-" "stay please you didn't do anything wrong please stay" I said grabbing his hand smiling at him

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