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"Jae don't go" Jihyo begged "why because you don't like him?" I snapped making her go quite "You know what fine go I'm just trying to look out for you!" she basically screamed getting the attention from other students "I am older than you Jihyo! I'm fine on my own! you're not my fucking mom!" I yelled back before storming off

Bunhyo:wtf is your problem Jae

Joy_Full: wait what are you guys actually fighting

Bunhyo: how do I explain this
Jae is being a fucking dick
I bet he likes that damn player

Joy_Full: jfc Jae
get your head out of your ass

Jaeschicken: get your fingers out of your vagina

Joy_Full: Um ew

Bunhyo: yeah ew

Joy_Full: Jae go to your little boyfriend

Jaeschicken:when did I ever say he was my bf?!

Bunhyo: your additude did

Jaeschicken: whatever

I rolled my eyes turning off my phone "you okay" I heard a familiar whisper I looked over at Brian, I just blankly stared at him, "again with the staring baby" he winked "exuse me I ain't your baby" I winked jokingly "yeah because your my bitch" making me choke on air "IM YOUR WHAT" I almosted yelled making the other laugh

my phone buzzed, I turned it on my phone forgetting what my lockscreen was "you have a boyfriend" "had" I corrected him "I had a boyfriend.. he uh.. cheated on me" I said "oh im so sorry" "why are you apologizing? " I asked "I don't know I just felt bad" he said standing up, bringing me up with him "So.." "So?" "to my house" he said, I just nodded in agreement

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