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Brian Kang

I told Jae I wanted to take him for breakfast, I've been giving him little snacks to keep him healthy, I walked down the hallway into Jaes original room since I left my phone in there, a sticky note was left on my phone from Jae

I love you ♡
~ Jae

I smiled to myself while putting the note into my phone case for everyone to see

I walked into the main bedroom, I saw Jae standing in the mirror so I wrapped my arms around him "my adorable chicken" I whispered tightening my grip on him I saw him smile brightly and turning around to hug me I took a picture of the cute gesture, through the mirror, I smiled brighter resting my head on his "I love you so much Jae" I whispered pressing a kiss on his head I moved my arms around him so i was hugging his neck he looked up at me smiling "I love you" he whispered "I love you too" I said as he pressed his lips on mine before pulling away

We were on our way home after breakfast "i need to stop by the gas station do you want me to drop you off at home?" I asked as he shook his head

I sighed pulling into the parking lot of the gas station, I leaned over pecking his lips "I love you I'll be right back" I said getting out of the car

I grabbed some chips for Jae and me some chocolate for myself, I got to the check out looking up asking for a pack of cigarettes "bag?" I shook my head, he slid the pack over as I put them in my coat pocket "girlfriend not know you smoke?" "boyfriend and no he doesn't" he nodded

He looked as if he was around my age maybe even younger, I looked up and saw he had a name tag 'Baekhyun' I flashed him a smile "your total is $6.87 I handed him $7 telling him to keep the change and to have a nice rest of his day before walking out

I got into the car handing him his chips as he stared at me with sad eyes "baby whats wrong" I asked taking his hand in mine he didn't answer shaking my hand off his "go home" he said coldly

I didn't know what I had done

"wh-" "constraint on the road" his voice cracked "I love you" I remindes him, no response

I felt my heart rip out of my chest when we rolled up into the drive way, I went to get out when I was stopped "talk" he said sternly I froze, looking over nodding "alright" I whispered he held up an empty box of cigarettes "explain" I looked down I heard him throw the box and Leave the car I followed after him

"babe" I whispered wrapping my arms around his waist "you know I love you" I mumbled resting my head on his shoulder "you know I wouldn't hurt you" "you said no secrets" he said his voice cracking "I'm sorry" I whispered kissing his shoulder

He shook out of my grip walking into his room locking the door, I fell to the ground, I walked to his door "baby please Im sorry" I whispered putting my hand on his door "you said no secrets Brian and you kept a secret from me" "Jae what do you want me to do? I already said im sorry" I whispered

I heard the door unlock, I opened the door and saw him sitting by the window "you know I wouldn't ever hurt you" I whispered holding his cheek "I love you more than anything okayand  I'm sorry I kept a secret from you" I smiled holding his hand "I overreacted" he said hugging me wrapping his arms around my neck

I hugged him back "its okay" I whispered kissing his cheek hugging him tighter, I smiled more pulling him closer to me, I felt him rest his head in my chest, I admired him as he looked out the window, his cheek squished against my chest making me smile, his hair fell perfectly over his eyes "You're perfect you know" I saw him smile my heart fluttered and I smiled to

I was in love with him..

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