29 (final)

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A couple years later

(They now live in a different house)

To some people we were like a miracle, with all the stuff we went through together, we didn't fight often but when we did it was, sad, neither of us wanted to talk to eachother for a couple hours then one of us would end up breaking the silence like now

The air was awkward, I looked over to the black haired male beside me

"I love you" I whispered hoping that would change the mood, instead he walked away, I fell onto the floor tears bursting out of my eyes

I heard the door open, but it didn't close, a pair of arms wrapped around me and held me close, "I was just letting some air in I love you too" he said pressing his face into my hair as I cried, I felt him smile "angel don't cry" I cried even more

He kissed my cheek over and over again, I couldn't help but smile "there's that beautiful smile"
"You sound like my grandma!" I said while sniffling, I turned to face him "I love you" he said suddenly taking my face into his hands "I would never leave you"

"You scared me asshole" I couldn't even remember what the fight was about "now remember that okay"

"Like I told you have me"

"I have you"

"I love you"


Wow it's been almost two? Three years since I published this? Thank you all for the support of this story I'm so sorry my middle school writing was really cringe😅 if you didn't know I have a story called A Rose A Day and Happy little pill

Thank you again for the support of this story I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did

-your favorite jaehyungparkian Stan

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