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it was snowing so we had no school I waited on my front porch with my ear buds in so I didn't notice Brian was there until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me I took out my ear buds and looked over "hey you ready" he smiled brightly, I nodded my head "Jae you've seemed happier since the whole... Jihyo and Soonyoung thing" "yeah because they aren't screaming at me twenty-four seven about the stupidest shit" I said getting into his car

it was the usual car ride of us stealing glances from eachother, smiling when we caught the other, my feet on the seat of the car my head on my knees "your really cute when you do that" I hide ny face getting shy "you look cuddly it makes me wanna reach other and cuddle you" My face went more red as he continued, a smile forming on my face as I looked over and saw him pointing his phone at me taking a picture of me I smiled my teeth showing "yup thats totally gonna be my lockscreen!" he smiled before continuing to drive making me smile even more

we walked through the park, this time not holding hands just walking in a comfortable silence, one that almost warmed my heart in the cold atmosphere of winter, a smile formed on my face as I thought about the younger male, how he some how made my heart flutter just by talking, when he'd wear his hair back in a ponytale, his laugh that made me wonder, how can a laugh be so cute, and it was now I realized I might be in love with the younger male

"Brian" I stopped grabbing his hand as he just smiled "What does it mean when someone makes your heart do that thing even if they aren't doing anything at all" I asked intertwining our fingers, I faced him he didn't answer, I tightened my grip on hid hand "why?" he spoke "I think I might be in love" I admited looking down, afraid to make eye contact "with who..." he trailed off, trying to remove his hand from my cold ones "You.. I think I might be in love with you Brian.."

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